HP Lupin


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does anybody else like pr. lupin. i think he totally ausome. he is probably like my favorite chracter in the movie(TPOA)

it is mine to give to whom i wish, like my heart. lotr
long live Aslan.con
i'm not an owl. hp
i havn't read the book but i'm working on it just finished the chamber of secrets.

it is mine to give to whom i wish, like my heart. lotr
long live Aslan. con
i'm not an owl. hp
I love the Harry Potter series. I have read them all, and I'm impatiently awaiting the 7th book. What's your favorite book so far?
i don't know i have only read the chamber of secrets. i know the scocers(sp)stone comes first but they didn't have it at the libery. but my favorite movie is the goblit of fire. they just keep getting better don't they.

it is mine to give to whom i wish, like my heart. lotr
long live Aslan. con
i'm not an owl. hp
.:Guitar Luver:. said:
I love the Harry Potter series. I have read them all, and I'm impatiently awaiting the 7th book. What's your favorite book so far?

I think it is a tie between Goblet of Fire and Half-Blood Prince, for me at least.
hello people this is all about Pr. Lupin not a harry potter book discussion. sorry just setting you back on track. now, i know i'm not the only person who likes pr. lupin. lets hear from more people who are his fan :D

it is mine to give to whom i wish, like my heart. lotr
long live Aslan. con
i'm not an owl. hp
I love Lupin in the books, and I don't mind the guy in the movies, but I think they could have done better, chosen a better actor. He is one of my favorite characters in the books! :)
I like Lupin in the books and I think David Thewlis is a good actor that fits the role perfectly in the movies... :D
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i agree with those who said Lupin was great in the books but the filmmakers coulda picked a better actor. He was GREAT in the books and by far the coolest DADA teacher they've had- not to mention pretty awesome in OotP. He's one of my favorite adult characters, along with Sirius and Dumbledore.

but the guy in the movie... he sorta creeped me out. plus (and i know this is a dumb thing to say) it wasnt what i expected... i mean, the illustration of him at the front of one of the chapters had him with long hair... and i guess that just grew on me. besides David Thewlis just acted weird--not at all like you'd think lupin was supposed to act.

but Lupin (in the books) is a great character.
Professor Lupin is neutral for me. Sometimes he's a drag and sometimes he's the coolest guy. I guess, though, that now that Sirius is gone he is all that Harry has left but...*shrug* he still kind of bores me sometimes.

I like how he's a werewolf, because it kind of gives his drab character a spice. And I also liked him 'PoA', because you really got to know him as more than just 'James' friend'. He's not just the kid on the side watching the troubles unravel, he's actually in the action, rooting on his friend.

Plus, David Thewlis is a good actor. He portrays Lupin very well and I think he deserves credit for bringing Remus to life.
I think Lupin is a total sweetheart. He is by far the most mature of all the marauders, and he has to be more toned down and controlled, it's his personality. Also, I suspect that if he just totally let himself go, like Pettigrew for instance, he might end up like (shudder..) Fenrir Greyback, and go around chomping little kids or something disturbing like that. I never thought he was a drag. He may not be as wild and crazy as the rest of the marauders, but he's the nice guy that you could rely on in real life, and trust not to do stupid things. Also, he is probably the most moral character besides Dumbledore, at least on the grounds of not compromising. The only problems he has with that was when he let his loyalty for his friends, and possibly fear that his friends would desert him, lead him to lie to Dumbledore. All in all, Lupin is my favorite character in the books, pretty much, and I would like you all to know right nowthat:
:D :D
Yea Lupin is pretty cool in the books. I just think they might've found a better person to play him. The guy they picked just seemed a little creepy to me...not the quiet, consoling guy who gives encouragement in the books.
Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
Yea Lupin is pretty cool in the books. I just think they might've found a better person to play him. The guy they picked just seemed a little creepy to me...not the quiet, consoling guy who gives encouragement in the books.

Well, I think he would be much improved by SHAVING OFF THE MOUSTACHE!! PLEASE, OH PLEEEEASE!!!! The moustache creeps me out. Also, I think he should look a bit gaunter, more like a sicker werewolf type, not slightly chubby and balding.... With a different haircut and shave, and a bit more animation, I think he'll be fine.
everlasting said:
I love him in the books, but I don't think they chose the right guy to play him in the movie.

I totally agree with you. my main problem is the mustache. and he needs to lose weight. I saw him in another movie, Timeline, and he looked much better, he just needs to shave the mustache off.

I loooooove lupin in the books. he's so awesome, so sweet, he and Tonks so need to get together.
everlasting said:
I love the Harry Potter series. I have read them all, and I'm impatiently awaiting the 7th book. What's your favorite book so far?
I thought they chose a really good character to play Lupin. He was EXACTLY the way I imagined him. Yep, me too. Sadly, it won't come out till 7/7/7. Cause then it'll be the 7th book on 7/7/7.
Yea, I don't envision Lupin with a mustache either...
plus I always thought he had longer hair, for some weird reason... I guess I'm just used to seeing the one pic of him on one of the illustrations on the beginning page of a chapter in one of the books.