HP Lupin

I have a feeling they will. Or, rather, they sorta already are... they were holding hands at Dumbledore's funeral. But they might make it "official" or whatever at Bill and Fleur's wedding or something. :)
Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
I have a feeling they will. Or, rather, they sorta already are... they were holding hands at Dumbledore's funeral. But they might make it "official" or whatever at Bill and Fleur's wedding or something. :)

Why don't they just go ahead and get married at Bill and Fleur's wedding? I mean, who knows how long they might have, since Voldy is back? Much as I hate to consider the thought... :( I think they should just get married already, so we'll be able to read about it in the books.
i guess he will be the same actor but anyways i relly liked lupin cuz he was very nice to harry specially after what happened at the ministry (sirius) and what happend to dumbledore . and it was quite a shock how tonks feels about him wasnt it/ i thinck it was pretty weird...
Isabel Moseley said:
i guess he will be the same actor but anyways i relly liked lupin cuz he was very nice to harry specially after what happened at the ministry (sirius) and what happend to dumbledore . and it was quite a shock how tonks feels about him wasnt it/ i thinck it was pretty weird...

it was interesting at first since I didn't expect it, but... I think it's nice. I think it was a cool little thing to add to the story.