I miss this place a lot.

I'm still trying to get new people interested in TDL.
Wow, haven’t been on here since like 2009, or 2010. Can’t believe my profile is still intact…old picture of my boyfriend at the time as my avatar and everything. All the old conversations I had talking about being in nursing school, I can still read them all, crazy.
Salutations, Mrs. Pevensie. Nursing, eh? In my real-world existence as Joseph Ravitts with a long A, my first wife was a nurse. (She now resides in Aslan's Country.) Her first name being Mary, it was cool for our friends, in Christmas season, to be able to say, "Mary and Joseph just visited us!"
Salutations, Mrs. Pevensie. Nursing, eh? In my real-world existence as Joseph Ravitts with a long A, my first wife was a nurse. (She now resides in Aslan's Country.) Her first name being Mary, it was cool for our friends, in Christmas season, to be able to say, "Mary and Joseph just visited us!"
Hey man we used to be friends back in the day, when I look at my old posts you talked to me a lot. I’m sorry to hear about your wife. Been an emergency room nurse for over 12 years now, and this forum brings back such good memories.
Before there was a Dancing Lawn, I joined a still-older Narniocentric forum called The Valiant Mouse Inne. It invited fan fiction, so I wrote a fanfic which took place halfway through the ice-age regime of Jadis. This addressed the question of how Narnians could have any food when they had no growing season. I said there were Narnian sapients IN ARCHENLAND, descendants of some who fled south once they saw there was no chance of beating the White Witch. Jadis could not pursue them, because the Emperor Over-Sea would not permit her magic to function outside the territory she already controlled.

Humans, Archenlander or otherwise, produced abundant food; and alongside Narnian fantasy creatures, they smuggled it across the border into secret drop-off areas. I like filling in gaps. And at least one of Jadis' wolves became converted to faith in Aslan along the way.

Valiant Mouse Inne died out, but T.D.L. took its place. Meanwhile, I married a second wife, named Janalee; she had been a long-time friend to Mary and me. In spring of 2008, Janalee very suddenly JOINED MARY in Aslan's Country, by way of an unforeseen heart attack.

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