Introduction Thread II

Hi, everyone! I'm new (obviously). My name is Lucy_the_Oracle. Let's see... I'm 15 years old and in 9th grade. I go to an online school, although this is my first year. I adore Narnia, and have ever since I was six and my dad read me LWW aloud. My favorite characters are Lucy, Edmund, and Jill. :) Due to Narnian influence, I love to read (and write) fantasy. My favorite modern author is Bryan Davis. Besides reading and writing, I love to bike and swim. I guess that's it. I'm excited to get to know all of you!

Welcome, I was homeschooled but I used a traditional curriculum. I took some online classes in college and I had a little trouble staying up-to-date.
Oh, yeah! I know her! :D

Welcome Lucy_The_Oracles *SoA takes off his helm and bows*
you'll like it here, if you like games come visit us in Dufferland, me and MissReep are there all the time! just watch out for cats...

TDL Fun Facts:
Glenburne is a girl not a guy
Gondor Girl (GG) is giving away free buffalo
GG is always hungry, so donating in her kitchen keeps her from eating the threads
MissReepicheep is a girl mouse(!), ask her about it.
Most of the cats belong to Mewsie.... you'll see ;)
Welcome, I was homeschooled but I used a traditional curriculum. I took some online classes in college and I had a little trouble staying up-to-date.

Thank you! That's cool. I like online school so far-- It is a lot less stressful then regular school! Much less drama. :p

Welcome Lucy!

Thank you.

Welcome to the forums, Lucy! So glad to have you here.

Thanks! I'm glad to be here. ;)

Welcome Lucy_The_Oracles *SoA takes off his helm and bows*
you'll like it here, if you like games come visit us in Dufferland, me and MissReep are there all the time! just watch out for cats...

TDL Fun Facts:
Glenburne is a girl not a guy
Gondor Girl (GG) is giving away free buffalo
GG is always hungry, so donating in her kitchen keeps her from eating the threads
MissReepicheep is a girl mouse(!), ask her about it.
Most of the cats belong to Mewsie.... you'll see ;)

Haha, thanks! *Makes note* Got it. :D
Thanks..what about a pic in the signature? I can't get that to work...

Did you go to the "edit signature" button in the control panel? If that doesn't work try clicking, "private messages" below your name under the banner at the top of the screen. Then go to the side bar and click "edit signature". (I did that for MONTHS before I figured out it was on the control panel.:p)

It THAT doesn't work it might have something to do with the post count thing. I don't know, I'm not in charge of this stuff.:p