Introduction Thread II

Welcome to innocentsacrifice, kara, ana. I hope you guys stick around. The new movie is coming and I am pretty sure more people will join then.
Hello kara and sarah and welcome to the site!! If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask - we're very helpful I assure you! :)
Hello, I'm TerraoftheEarth. I've been lurking around these forums for quite some time, and I finally decided to join. I'm a huge fan of Narnia and I cannot wait for PC. Nice to meet you all.
hello terra (haha so much like the name tara)
welcome!! so glad you joined.
my name is fern, fernie, ferny, or whatever:D:D:D:D
Welcome innocentsacrifice, TerraoftheEarth and x__confessions to The Dancing Lawn. I'm sure you will all love it here.

Welcome back Peterfan01! :)
Hey there!

I found this place via serah engine, and I fugured that I could share my Narnian nerdiness with others. I'm in the middle of Magician's Nephew (reading in published chological order), and I fully intened on seeing Prince Caspian at midnight and perhps in costume. What about you?
Welcome. I'm afraid I'm not as crazy about Narnia as you are, but I do enjoy it here. You'll meet lots of nice people. I hope you enjoy it here.
Hello. I am new to the dancing lawn, as you can see. I am mostly going to keep to myself and post, won't be bothering you :P
welcome. and dont think we will let you keep to yourself:p. haha. come and join the fun!!!!!
Hey! My name is Jodie. I haven't been on this site since May5, 2007 ((thats a LOOOONG time!)) Lol!
well, welcome back. :D
Hey there!

I found this place via serah engine, and I fugured that I could share my Narnian nerdiness with others. I'm in the middle of Magician's Nephew (reading in published chological order), and I fully intened on seeing Prince Caspian at midnight and perhps in costume. What about you?
yeah! for nerds! you are very welcome here. can i suggest you post in teh land of the duffers?:D