Grey Pilgrim
New member
that was true and mabye we can help establish a republic in Saudi Arabia
DOFFEN: When you argue that Western nations have "the same attitude," you show that you must not have closely followed the information provided in past threads about Islam. In Islamic teaching, the whole world is divided into two sections: "Dar es-Salaam" and "Dar al-Harb," meaning respectively "House of Peace" and "House of War." Anyplace where Muslims hold absolute political control is in the House of Peace; everyplace else is in the House of War. For devout Muslims, the precise and ONLY meaning of "peace" IS that Muslims are in unquestioned command.
It has everything to do with the religion of Islam. The two-houses concept I described IS the religion of Islam. The Christian world has LONG since repented of all efforts to suppress other faiths by force; the Muslims, because they claim to be a new and superior development beyond Christianity, have NO excuse for not having figured out freedom of speech by now.
Why do you suppose the first mosques in Europe were built? Because Muslims logically persuaded the Europeans to convert? No, they were built--or, often, churches were taken and made into mosques--because of unprovoked armed invasion and conquest of European territory. Muslims now pretend that their domination of part of Europe was tolerant; but their "tolerance" came with a price tag--the status of "dhimmi" for all Christians and Jews. It's no wonder that Europeans didn't want any more mosques for a long time. And now that Europe IS allowing mosque-building and open Islamic activity, what thanks are the European societies getting? The thanks they get consist of demands for more and more concessions, more and more favoritism to be shown to Muslims. THAT is why I say that Muslims need to learn that they don't have to be in charge everywhere.
Never a need to go to Encarta for history. It's all here in Narniafans. Just ask EveningStar.The problem is a little more complex than that. America was founded by people firmly grounded in the Judeo-Christianic heritage, and many Christians feel that the triumph of Israel is one of the steps that is the inevitability of history and the fulfilment of certain Biblical prophesies.
I have no doubt whatsoever that if it were not for Israel's role in prophesy that the United States would probably disengage itself or at least reduce its role to be conmensurate with what it does in other regional conflicts.
I shan't couch the Israel/Palestinian issue in terms of good and evil. However I shall point out that the Jews consider Gentiles that follow the seven Noahide Laws to be righteous people who shall be saved whereas the Muslims believe strict adherance to the Quaran and acceptance of the Shahada (Allah is the one God and Muhammad is his Prophet) is necessary. This divide of ideologies means that Israel would be more likely to administer people in a modern secular state then would the Palestinians. Except for some foreward thinking countries like Turkey, the majority of Muslim populations regard a return to the "good old days" as the imposition of Sharia (religious law) wherein a woman would never dare leave the house except in the company of a male relative and a man without a beard long enough to protrude through a clenched fist may be beaten and imprisoned until it grows sufficiently long.
Doffen, you are not understanding what I said about Muslims making demands. They don't just demand to HAVE their religion; they demand that the rest of us be made to accommodate it specially and preferentially. Thus we have schools in America setting up spots for Muslim students to do their mechanical scheduled prayers, when other faiths are not shown as much consideration. And a few years ago, in Florida, a Muslim woman demanded in court that she be allowed to have her face entirely hidden in her driver's license photo!!--which only makes sense if HER VEIL was going to be driving her car all by itself.
>> The problem is that the GOVERNMENT in those countries won't allow
>> churches to be built.
But in Islamist societies, Islam IS the government--the way Maugrim WAS "the police" in LWW.
>> ALL the muslims I know have nothing against churches or Christians.
>> You know as well as me that those countries are not as well developed
>> as our countries, and it has nothing to do with their religion.
It has everything to do with their religion. Look at what the Taliban did to women in Afghanistan: wouldn't let them get an education or have professional careers. This meant that fifty percent of the Afghan population was barred from making any contribution to national progress!
>> Two hundred years ago Christians fired up supposed to be witches.
For professed Christians to do this, they had to move away from what Jesus actually taught and practiced, because Christianity originated in love and kindness. Meanwhile, the many decent Muslims you and I both know are so decent because they also have moved away from something; they've moved away from the example of Muhammad, who did a whole lot more violence than was ever seen at the Salem witch trials.
Doffen: Have any of your Muslim friends married nine-year-old girls? If they haven't, then there's one point already in which they have departed from the example of Muhammad, and good for them.
I just read the fourth Sura, could you name the verse number, please? Because i couldn't find it. (I could find that a man is 'higher' than a woman, but we also see that in the Bible, right?).Have you read any of the Koran? I have. In the Fourth Sura, it says that not only is a husband allowed to beat his wife if she is disobedient...he's even allowed to beat her if he's just worried that she MIGHT be disobedient!
It's not my opinion that the Koran says this, it's a verifiable fact.
CF said:And now that Europe IS allowing mosque-building and open Islamic activity, what thanks are the European societies getting? The thanks they get consist of demands for more and more concessions, more and more favoritism to be shown to Muslims.