It's Been Awhile..


Well-known member
Hello everyone,

Never thought I'd be stumbling back here after so long...

But somehow I found myself reminiscing about this place with some friends today and just wanted to drop and tell y'all how much I've missed here and hold every fond memory of this place dear to my heart!

I'm 27 now, not a kid anymore lol Not much about me has changed. I still edit YouTube videos, occasionally do graphics... I'm pretty much the same old me. I have gotten into vtubing now though and am not only a part time streamer but also Mod for another streamer.

How is everyone? Don't be afraid to hit me up or anything 💙 I'd love to hear from everyone again💙

- Kayla (Mikayla)
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Wow, crazy! Lots has changed for me. I've been married now for 12 years and have a daughter who is 7.
There aren't too many people still around from before, because of errors with the old forum software. I've since migrated the forum to a modern forum software that is much faster, and better, than what we had back then. It's been really fun over the past year or so since moving to the new forum software. I think it'll really kick in whenever Netflix starts making moves with their projects.
Welcome back, Frodosgurl. My real-world life has taken a new turn since you were formerly active on Dancing Lawn.

In summer of
2018, one of my cosplay buddies introduced me to his female cousin, then age twenty-five, who had moved up to our state (Colorado) after both her parents died. This young woman was in need of someone to act like a father to her. My own actual daughter being a successful businesswoman by then, and my third wife having left me because she literally just felt like it, I was available for the assignment.

I introduced her to classical opera and Jane Austen books, while she introduced me to heavy metal music and Cajun cuisine. She is now a Dancing Lawn member, under the name of Wood Nymph.
Fantastic! With the forum being much faster loading than ever before, I tend to hop in more often these days. We have had several odd outages, but mostly related to third-party technical glitches, fortunately.
I hope that eventually resolves! I know you always put so much work into here! I look forward to seeing how everything turns out!!
Within the past two years, there have been, I think, three times when T.D.L. dropped off of the internet. But each time, Specter and Benisse got it running again, with no loss of content that I know of.
Hey dear, it had been a while for me too when I came back. I am still not here everyday as evidenced by me just now seeing this. Welcome back. A lot has changed for me too. The nostalgia is real. I miss my old duffer friends.
Within the past two years, there have been, I think, three times when T.D.L. dropped off of the internet. But each time, Specter and Benisse got it running again, with no loss of content that I know of.
Specter did the restorations 100%, I just relayed the news of the crashes (often thanks to you, Copperfox!)...
So good to see you again, Frodosgurl and Lava!
Lava! I remember youuuu! 💙

I apologize for my delayed response as my last two weeks have been absolutely insane and slightly traumatic. Life is back to somewhat normal again now though so I have returned lol
We have had several server issues over the past few years, but the latest thing we did was to move off from vBulletin and onto XenForo. vBulletin was large and clunky, and had nothing new to offer after nearly 20 years. XenForo updates regularly, and has loads of advantages, besides just being much much faster than vBulletin ever was.
Lava! I remember youuuu! 💙

I apologize for my delayed response as my last two weeks have been absolutely insane and slightly traumatic. Life is back to somewhat normal again now though so I have returned lol
Glad to hear things are looking somewhat normal for you. There are days like that for all of us. I know I've had many days like that this year, and for the past... oh...15 years.
Lava! I remember youuuu! 💙

I apologize for my delayed response as my last two weeks have been absolutely insane and slightly traumatic. Life is back to somewhat normal again now though so I have returned lol
That is completely understandable. As you can see I am not on all the time. Stressful weeks are very common.
Well, after several years, and after retiring as a full-time pastor, Narnia has called me back here. Some of you I remember. I'm in the middle of contacting a number of the old gang here and trying to get them to return as well. But we'll see, I guess.
Well, after several years, and after retiring as a full-time pastor, Narnia has called me back here. Some of you I remember. I'm in the middle of contacting a number of the old gang here and trying to get them to return as well. But we'll see, I guess.
Please do
EveningStar here. I would say a lot of water has passed under the bridge, but frankly, a lot of water has passed under the Equator. I am the National Commissioner of Trail Life USA, retired from government, and a National Chaplain for TLUSA. Yes, it's a thing. I've written books on youth development and outdoor adventure ministry, and teach adults all over the country. At the moment I'm on the planning committee for our national conference in August. Yes, do the math, I'm 63 1/2 years old. After cataract surgery, I no longer wear corrective glasses but do wear my speccies to read a book in my lap. I'll just sit here braced against the wall for the huge barrage of well-wishers who remember me. Any. Moment. Now....
Evening Star knows that I'm a well-wisher. I have had the satisfaction of meeting him in person, back when he worked for the state government of Tennessee. I enjoyed reading his Byron-on-Wells stories. I have also read his guidebook for Trail Life. It is full of good advice for living.

Speaking of stories, when I extended my own "Alipang Havens" saga into the near future, I included an Arapahoe Indian character named John Wisebadger, who was an accomplished outdoorsman.
EveningStar here. I would say a lot of water has passed under the bridge, but frankly, a lot of water has passed under the Equator. I am the National Commissioner of Trail Life USA, retired from government, and a National Chaplain for TLUSA. Yes, it's a thing. I've written books on youth development and outdoor adventure ministry, and teach adults all over the country. At the moment I'm on the planning committee for our national conference in August. Yes, do the math, I'm 63 1/2 years old. After cataract surgery, I no longer wear corrective glasses but do wear my speccies to read a book in my lap. I'll just sit here braced against the wall for the huge barrage of well-wishers who remember me. Any. Moment. Now....
Hey hey! Welcome back, brother! I was very pleased to see you here!