I've Lost It

Your father heard about it, and now we hunt those Evil Geese. I was hunting and a pack of them flew over and we fired into them about a million times, and not one fell from the sky.
Your father heard about it, and now we hunt those Evil Geese. I was hunting and a pack of them flew over and we fired into them about a million times, and not one fell from the sky.

They were just pretending they didn't get hit.
I've never been hunting.
Not because I don't want to.
I just never really thought about it.
ive gotten chased by a goose and it was pitch dark VERY SCARY!!!!!!
why are we talking about hunting?????????? im not wearing matching socks and hippos are cool but they can kill a person for real......i like this thread i feel at home here................. CAN I GET A WHOHA FOR 2X TUESDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's a small manmade lake near my house I go running around all the time. There's TONS of geese, ducks, and other waterfowl like grebes and this funny looking bird named a coot that has a small body and this HUUUUUUGE feet. But I have a nightmare in which I feed these huge geese and suddenly they take off with ME, flying in the air, and I'm never seen again. And those geese are mean.
Last night I was all....
"Ooooohhhhh! Shhkkffzz....*gurgle**snort*...gahagha!" *snore**cough*"Noooo....not the perrtyfullzzz wrappinggzzz papperrzzz!" O_x *runs down hallways* "Ahhhh! Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhh!" *snore**drool* *twitch*
"ZzZzZzZzZz......V_v" *snort* "AH! Joel Madden!" "ZzZzZz...V_v" *twitch* "AHH! Benji Madden!" *puts Good Charlotte cd under pillow* *snore* "ZzZzZzZzZz....V_v"

:D *runs around waving spatula in air* "Mwuahahah! Happy Christmas!":D
Last night I was all....
"Ooooohhhhh! Shhkkffzz....*gurgle**snort*...gahagha!" *snore**cough*"Noooo....not the perrtyfullzzz wrappinggzzz papperrzzz!" O_x *runs down hallways* "Ahhhh! Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhh!" *snore**drool* *twitch*
"ZzZzZzZzZz......V_v" *snort* "AH! Joel Madden!" "ZzZzZz...V_v" *twitch* "AHH! Benji Madden!" *puts Good Charlotte cd under pillow* *snore* "ZzZzZzZzZz....V_v"

:D *runs around waving spatula in air* "Mwuahahah! Happy Christmas!":D

wow haha you have lost it......I SAW A DUCK THATS HEAD LOOKED LIKE A CHICKEN IT WAS AMAZAZING!!!!!! did you know.....I CAN FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow haha you have lost it......I SAW A DUCK THATS HEAD LOOKED LIKE A CHICKEN IT WAS AMAZAZING!!!!!! did you know.....I CAN FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*gasp* YOU CAN FLY?! ZOMGZ!:eek: I CAN---I CAN---AAAHHHH!!!! FLYING CHICKEN FACED DUCK!!!*runs around waving light saber in air*

"The world is black,
and hearts are cold,
and there's no hope,
that's what we're told."

*doesn't work*


(and I thought I was insane!)
English- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
French- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Spanish- a b c ch d e f g h i j k l ll m n n~ o p q r rr s t u v w x y z:eek: <it's wrong! It has 30 letters!

Dr. Pepper!!!!! Chapstick!!!! HAPPY UNBIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!
` ~ . ` . ' ~ .
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^look confetti!
Kaghagha...Mwuahahaha...tshkshstshgthst....*spazz**spazz*....AAAAHHHHHH!!!! RIOT GIRLLLL!!!!:eek: :cool: :eek: CAll 911! Call 911!!!*knocks out random person with guitar*Mwuahahaha!