Jadis The White Witch And Snow White Coincidence?


New member
OK It seems the description of Jadis resembles Snow White for reasons unknown

Both have skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony

Of course there is Jadis having a Dwarf Minion

Not even sure if C.S. Lewis read Snow White to get inspiration or that some authors just go with the same idea unknowingly
It's almost interesting you've brought it up. As I recall, the design of the White Witch in the animated LWW from 1979 looks a lot like the wicked Queen from Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Given that Walt Disney was known to adapt fairy tales (and I think his company continues to do so), while I wouldn't consider Narnia to be a fairy tale, it does has some fairy tale elements.
Among European peoples, if a woman had skin close to literally white, this usually meant that she did not often have to be outdoors in summer sunlight. Inference: she did not often if ever have to perform physical work outdoors. Thus, female aristocrats were likely to be pale-skinned, be they wicked like Jadis or good like Snow White.

Japanese ladies of the samurai era used to powder their skin to appear white.