Jedi Training Academy

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Jess feels a disturbance in the force, and heads to the lunch room where it seems to be coming from, seeing the light saber of her young companion drawn and her padawan working on doing the same, Jess procedes to pull out her Light Saber. "Do you know what it is, Kirna? There is something here that I cannot see but I can feel."
By now other jedi and there padawans were gathering in, Jess said, "Be vigilent, people, It seems we have something menacing in our midst"

ooc: we need to figure out what it is quick so that the game doesn't stall.
Kirna bob him in the head.
" How you know if a guy?," She ask," She went in front of him.

Then a shadow like then came up to them.
" Well well what do we have here it's little Kirna," He said with his lgiht saber in his hand.
brace replies kokingly, see i told you it was a man.

then the says to the new figure, I don't know who you are but if you threaten my master then i will be forced to dispatch you.
She growl at him.
" What to you want I thought I took care of you," She said ready to swing.

he came by her with a smrik still on his face.
" Wel think again priness," He said then look at the other Jedi.
Brace replies jokingly, I told you it was a man.

he then turns to the new figure, i don't know who you are but if you threaten my master I will be forced to dispatch you. so stand ready.
Jess says, "You better get a move on, sir. I do not approve of your intrusion into these halls of learning. Nor do I take to kindly to you threatening one of my teachers. " then swings her light saber menacingly.
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Kirna block his hit.
" Bruce he came for me not you my padwan," She told.

The man laugh.
" I see you got stronger when I meet you," He said then swing at her throat
Brace backs off and askes Are you shure? I can take him. i don;t whant to see you hurt.

occ we nee to hurry becaus i am going to have to leave.
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