Jedi Training Academy

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"Triss, it is entirely probable that your twin also is strong with the force. Thus, he may very well have let the force guide him to you. I have one question though: What were the circumstances of his disappearance? Forgive my insinuations if they are unfounded, but if he was stolen by someone, he may well be a Sith apprentice just as you are a Jedi apprentice."
"Rather than search up and down the halls let the force guide you to him. In all things, Kirna and I are meant to teach; this will be a great learning experience for you."
"Thank you" Then Triss ran down the hall in the diretion that she thought she saw the boy run. But as she was runing she felt like she was going farther and farther away from where he might be so she stoped and thought about it for a moment, then she truned around and ran back down the hall. As she was runing she suddenly started to feel like she was getting closer and she thanked her master and Lava for reminding her to use the force for she knew that it was the force pulling her twords her brother.
As she was running down the hallway Triss thought she saw somone ahead of her. She started to run faster thinking that it was her brother but right when she was almost close enough to touch him he stopped and she ran into him and she fell on her back. Then she heard somone open there lightsaber and then she looked up and looked stright into the face of Zog!
Upon seeing the collision, and indeed see what had caused it, Jess hurried to help Triss. She was able to get there in time to prevent Zog from taking advantage of Triss's astonishment and provide her enough time to return to her feet. Triss, Kirna, and Jess battle Zog for fourth time that day.
Kirna pulled her lightsaber out " Leave her alone Zog she didn't do anything to you," she told him

Zog laughed " Oh, I won't hurt her," he told her " I just wanted to see what you guys well do," he told them.
To Zog-"Leave Zog, you have no busines here."

To Triss after she had sent Zog away-"Triss, you let your anticpation and eagerness out-weigh your judgement. Always be discerning in your actions."
Zog just looked at them for awhile " Oh, I'm so sacred," he told them, with a laugh

Kirna glared at her for awhile then pulled out her lightsaber and swag it at his arm " She told you to leave," she told him.
Zog hit the wall " You won't this fight oh, you little one if you want to find your brother you know were to find me," he told them

Kirna looked at him with a confuse look on her face " what that post to mean?," she ask.
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