
i think shes pretty...i dont like her music/or the way she sings..and she is an OKAY actress..not great what-so-ever, but okay. pretty though.
willIsHott said:
but i have to admit i absolutely love her new song "too little too late"
I've never heard of that song :confused:
Other than that I think she's ok. I mean, atleast I like the other two songs that she had.
Though she's not my favorite, I like her songs, like 'Too Little, Too Late'. Her voice is amazing for someone who's my age!
I agree, her voice is amazing and strong, and her new song Too Little Too Late is addicting..last night I listened to it over and over for about 2 hours :D sure does get stuck in your head!
STINKY D said:
ok i just wanted to know if there is some jojo fans out there, she is the best.
she plays in aquamarine and sings leave(get out) and lots more.
Jojo is ok... she has a really great voice, and i think she should stick to singing only.. :rolleyes: well that's just me..

The only song i truly like is her latest, too little too late :)

in fact, it's playing right now
Jojo is okay... Too Little Too Late is okay, for some reason i really like How To Touch a Girl. the jazzy sound (especially in the beginning) is pretty cool. i haven't seen Aquamarine, i heard it was pretty bad. but i saw RV which i thought was sorta funny. she was pretty good in that movie.
Jojo is okay... Too Little Too Late is okay, for some reason i really like How To Touch a Girl. the jazzy sound (especially in the beginning) is pretty cool. i haven't seen Aquamarine, i heard it was pretty bad. but i saw RV which i thought was sorta funny. she was pretty good in that movie.

im not rly a fan of jojo but i dont hate her....i havent seen RV i heard she was pretty good in it, i saw aquamarine and i luv that movie its so cute ud probably liek it if u luv those yound teenager cutsie luvy movies and ud probably liek it more if u liek australia cuz thats where they filmed it speaking of australia the only reason y i liked "our lips are sealed" wa sb/c it took place in australia,i think im obsessed with australia omg!!! i just notice di have family in SYDNEY!!!!!!