Just Another Day in Narnia

  • Thread starter Elvess_Leawyn_Greenleaf
  • Start date
Puzzle_the_Donky said:
(OOC:I am not away!!! A just have had a lack of fantasy. Sorry about that! What has to happen? Gandalf is talking with Peter right?...)

Then Gandalf asked Peter: "Do you know where Aslan is and can you show me the way?"

But because Peter didn't give an answer and because Peter led him a bit sulky (I'm sorry he must have been drowsy or so...) he said this:
"I am sorry; I think you first want to know who I am. My name is Gandalf and I am from another world (OOC: yes indeed this is a bit cliché). There is a mighty sorcerer there who has a very big power. He has pulled all worlds together with a very large magic. Unfortunately the lords of Middle Earth are just a kind of very strong angels, and they have been prisoned by the sorcerer too. But the lord of your country; Aslan is the lord of all countries, we call him Eru. In Middle Earth Eru (aslan) has never showed himself to the humans, not even to the fourteen Angels. If he gets me into his power, he will be almost unstopable, unless Aslan will kill him, but then I will be killed too. Of course I don't want that and that's why I am looking for Aslan. Can you please help me???"

(OOC: I hope you do understand it! And I hope this works. )

at right about this moment Susan who had just resently arrived at Peters camp came walking up to Peter and Gandolf who she figured by the tone of his voice, had to be someone asking for help, "Peter!" she gasped, she then noticed Gandolf and said, "oh, and who is this?" she asked curiously looking to Gandolf as she noticed Peter seemed to be a bit out of it all.

(heh, was this alright???)
wow. its tootally ok puzz... i have absolutly no ideas right now... nay, i always can think of something, but i currently am to tired to put forth the effort to type it down... (besides my pinky hurts and its hadrd to type... lol.. whatanexcuse!)
anyway...... lemmie see....

both peter and gandalf jumped up in surprise as they looked up and saaw eressea standing there before them, blinnking slightly to get used to the smoke and light from the torch. "what-- how did you get in here?" peter asked in surprise as he jumped up. 'i thiought you were supposed to have left!"
"oh, was i? i wasnt aware i had been told so. sorrry. but couldnt leave withut finding out where gandlaf had gotten off to. was a bit worried about him. hes not altogether yet." she siad with a slight smile, looking at the half human, half fox transformed gandalf. "but if you would like to stay here, its fine gandalf. ill be going now, sorry to disturb you." eressea made to sli[p baclk out the tent flap, but both gandalf and peter called out to her at the same moment. gandalf cried out, becuase he didnt want to be left there, and did indded want to go with her. peter cried out beccause he coudlnt help it. he was facinated with the strannge maiden before him, who seemed so... faye. eressea turned back.
"yes?" she asked.

lol... slly me... i wasnt going to write anythig... see what happens when i try not to wruite?
Gandalf jumped up and cried to Eressea: "Wait a minute I'll go with you!"
But she couldn't hear it because king Peter also cried. (But that depends on how you look at it.)
Susan folded her arms and sighed in frustration as she seen how she had been ignord by her brother and his friends, "Peter, usually I wouldn't exspect for you to ignore me" she said manely to herself as she watched him and who she guessed was his friend run and cry after eressea, "come on Peter this is important!" she cried, starting to run after him.
Puzzle_the_Donky said:
>>>Hurray I've got an idea!<<<

The bleu wizzard was marching through the woods with his army.

Then he saw a party, picknicking in an open place. It was the open place where Deloth's party was heading for. He saw a fox and thought endly I've got you gandalf. He said to his fifty witches: put a turtle_for_a_week spell on them, then it will be easy to prison them.

The members of the Party (Mr. Beaver, Ms. Beaver, Oreius, the fox (from the movie, what was his name???), queen Lucy and king Edmund) were frightened very much, and they tried to run. But what happens if you have to bear the weight of ten times your body weight on your back? exactly! they were very slow, because they were turning into turtles and the shields were there already. Ten secconds later they were turtles. And they were moving very slowly. One by one the were caught by the dwarves.

They were done into wool sacks.
put a turtle_for_a_week spell on them, then it will be easy to prison them.The members of the Party (Mr. Beaver, Ms. Beaver, Oreius, the fox (from the movie, what was his name???), queen Lucy and king Edmund) were frightened very much, and they tried to run.

I forgive you, do you forgive me?

Luckily the witches had used all their powers (for a week) now and weren't able to use their magic. If they would have been able to do that there wouldn't have been any good creatures anymore, but good turtles. >So luckly< It didn't happen.
(((Guys, can someone please tell me what my characters are doing? I really wanna post, but I have no idea what's going on!!!)))
um, elg, u must be hallusinating, we happen toi be standing in the halls of king. t.... looking at all the good food.... waiting... listening to gkon be random and wishing that someone hadnt let him at the kings wine....
I think your confuzzled with VWTME!!! This is Just Another Day in Narnia!!!
lol... im so sorry, i totally was... lol.. ive got dial up and its totally slow and all, and so i do things in tabs (so i have like 3 or 4 open) and i just wrote under the wrong tab... lol.. im usualy pretty good about that too...
sorry about that....