Justice League

" oh not thing chill I just need you do me a faver if you don't mind me asking can you go to this big room with tv in it don't worry its my room can you get my other arm band please?' she said witha smile.

"Sure." Sean was back in less than half a sec with her armband.:D "I'm hungry, you hungry? Who wants chinese?" Another half sec n' he was back with Szech-wan chicken straight from China...:D
As Sicily was watching, Simon suddenly called" Hi Simon..."" Hey where are you?" he questioned. She faltered then stated" Im with the group...dont worry Im not trying to kill myself" she rolled her eyes." Ok...and where exactly is that?". After telling him where they were he was there in a moment. He had teleported as quick as possible." Hey guys" he said coming up to the group, with Sicily following.
" thanks I think okay what ever you wierd boy" she said putting on her arm band witha sigh " okay follow me and mean all of you now" she said grabbing a light to see.
OOC: eww no she to preety for that

Ic: " ouh yea that hmm well no he won't mind at all" she said witha giggle.

OOC: yea this is the port she get you in bad trouble.
" ouh we have a show off now do we?" she said looking around with her vinson " okay come this way now and put the light out before they see us" she said to him with a look.