kickinkirsty's Graphics - any requests?

Hey Kickinkirsty...seems your pretty busy; but i have a request for ya. I saw that moving X-Men avvie you had and wondered if you could give it to me with a few revisions?
1: A better picture of Angel, preferrably one of right when he refuses the anti-mutant shot and busts out.
2: If possible, a picture of Wolverine in the first movie (in action)
3: drop the picture of the blue guy--can't remember his name--and get a picture of Rouge instead.

I hope thats clear :o really appreciate

Can you use the pick of
Team Kennedy,in my siggy.
Take the lady in the first row,
third person from the left and
take her and make me an avatar.
Have it say-Miss Lynch
Can you do it?:o
Hi, I'm really sorry everyone but I've been really busy. It will be a little while before I can make all your graphics so bear with me! Sorry!