Kitten Names

If I ever get 4 kittens I'm going to name them Mike,Davy,Micky,and Peter after The Monkees if they are boys.:p
it may be a normal name but I was thinking the other day about how Lucy is like the perfect name for a dog, cat, hamster, pretty much anything

I've had a kitten named Lucy before and my mom would go batty if I did that again.:rolleyes:

Could you post a list of names you have previously used?

Of my previous kittens? Oh man that could take a loooooong time but you asked (note I won't start from all the way back but recent litters have been named this):

Lucy, Edmund, Silverstream, Peter.


Keto, Clancy, Brightheart, Napolean, Marble I (<deceased).

Zaphod, Marble II, Midnight, Susan, Flower.

Braveheart, Shaggy, Silverpaw, Hope.

Toto II (deceased), Caspian XI, Dorthy (deceased), Mozart III (deceased).

Thats just the more recent ones. ;)
Those are all cool names, I've never been all that great at names

Some boy names
I love your cat names,Meer.:D

I've always wanted another cat after Selkie passed away,but sadly all of my family except me is allergic,so we can't have one.:( I had another kitten,Licorice,when I was very little but my mom gave her away to another family.:( That hurt.
Someday I'm going to have tons of dogs and cats.:D