Land of Fairy Tales (Don't delete)

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Crunchine said:
Nathariel still looks confused. "Oh. Well, what do you want to talk about?"

ooc-*smacks head on keyboard* i have to go now. :( :mad: same time tomorrow though, and this time i will try to be on closer to 11 so that we have more time. i think i will go play music from Phantom and Wicked on my piano now :)
we can pick up right here. bye!
OOC- I guess I should reply to this, since I never did :D
IC- "Well, I don't know, your the princess!"
Protofan said:
OOC- I guess I should reply to this, since I never did :D
IC- "Well, I don't know, your the princess!"

Avoiding my question, huh?? :p

Remember, I'm still leader of the Protonites!! ;) :p

(stilll can't do anything without Gwen)
Protofan said:
OOC-Which was locked... And what is sleep? :confused:

*sighs* Sometimes, you're just so annoying... But since you're not really answereing, I think you just sleep next to Crunch... (No offence, Crunch!!)
Protofan said:
OOC- Of course, because I AM NOT SLEEPING WITH CRNCHINE! Oh no, what did I just say?!? :eek:

I never said that... I said "next to"... Totally different... *lol* But, how are you gonna kill me this time??
Protofan said:
*STILL in shock*

Just get out of that shock!! I have to go now, maybe that helps... A friend is here, so...

Byebye!!! Love ya!!

(remember Proto: Me = leader of the protonites!! :D )
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