Land of Fairy Tales (Don't delete)

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DaughterofGondor said:
Ilyisis rolled her eyes... Come on! Use some common sense. This guy is bad!" whispered Ilyisis under her breath

ooc-lololol yeah, but she is nieve and has never like a guy before.

ic-Nathariel smiled. "Hey, you are supposed to answer it first." Her face grew red again. "I like you a lot. More than any other guy I have ever met outside my family, well, besides my best friend Sir Anakin Sparrow. I have one-what are your parents names and your siblings if you have any. My parents are King Meldarion and Queen Tarellethiel. I am an only child, but have been friends with Sir Anakin and Lady Lucy all my life, so they are like my siblings."
ooc-well, if proto isnt responding, i am gonna go eat lunch and play piano. talk to you all tomorrow! and some of you got new banners, so check your inboxes. bye! will you join my land with yours?? my land is Narbithia. I already posted about it,,, im trying to find it but i cant. Send me a personal message or something.

May Aslan Be With You and I give my blessing of this land to come in friendship with mine if u will exept.

King Peter Of Narbithia. Lord Of Tonadrais And Keeper Of The Northern Skys.

Queen Shante Of Narbithia. Emperess Of TonaDrais And Keeper of the southern sea.

Queen Bianca Of Narbithia. Emperess Of The Forest Of Sparx And Keeper Of The Fire Wand

King Andrew Of Narbithia.Lord Of LionsFlame. Keeper Of The Cliffs Of Andrew.

we have the element powers.

Myself: Wind
Bianca: Fire
Andrew: Earth
ooc:*sits down with soda,candy,and pocorn.*This date won't be over yet so
might as well watch.*sits for Crunchine and Proto to come back on.*
Sportygirl7702 said:
I havent been on for 2 days someone fill me in please cuz i dont kno where my character is :confused:
ooc:nothing happened yet.....I might turn evil......

ic:"Goodbye Tidus good luck on your journey to finding your past"Serenity said waving her hand.Serenity went back to the castle and sat down."Maybe I should go to another land and explore...."
ic: Serenity decided to go to Belledelle while AquaMarine was at Aquarine
doing her normal stuff.Serenity said to herself that she would tell her sister that she left when she got to Belledelle.Serenity was riding flying horse like
Christina's.When Serenity got there she decided to go visit Lady Natheriel(sorry if I spelled it wrong).
ic:"Sorry Princess but Lady Natheriel is very busy please come back tomorrow"
The Guard told Serenity."Oh okay"Serenity said leaving.Serenity decided to
go to Belledale's harbor."I gotta go back now"Serenity said getting on the flying horse and took off.Someone was watching her closely.
(At Aquarine.....)Serenity decided to look at the stars before she went back to the castle."Wow they are beautiful"Serenity was a little drowsy.A man
cam at her and stuck a dagger through her."AHHH!!!"Serenity said calling
AquaMarine.The man said"If I can't have you no one will"."Daniel is that you?"
Serenity said in pain."Yes it is my dear Serenity,I must go now my love"The
Man disappeared in thin air."HELP!"Serenity was bleeding badly.

ooc:ya know Serenity might die
ic:Princess Christina was in the middle of reading a book when she heard a sharp scream. " oh my good ness serenity!" she ran from her room when she reached the surface she saw Serenity laying on the sand she ran to serenity "who did this to you!" she said with tears streaming down her face
Elashia rushed to Serenity.

dunno who she is.

"Whats wrong with her?"
She urgently asked the other faires.
ic:"It was Daniel my obessed-ex boyfriend!"Serenity said between breaths.
"I broke up with him and I think if I wasn't with him no one should be with me"
Serenity said."I don't think I'll make it"Serenity said.Serenity was losing a
lot of blood fast.
SweetieGirl said:
ic:"It was Daniel my obessed-ex boyfriend!"Serenity said between breaths.
"I broke up with him and I think if I wasn't with him no one should be with me"
Serenity said."I don't think I'll make it"Serenity said.Serenity was losing a
lot of blood fast.

"oh my goodness!" she then grabbed her silver whistle and blew it then kiarra (her flying horse) came and Christina said "kiarra we need to get her to the healers hastily!" Christina carfuly picked up Serenity and placed her on kiarras back and returned to Aquarine.
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