OOC-Bring it on...office said:*anakin maggically traveld to where meian is*
Crunchine said:Christina had left for the moment, but Nathariel filled Aurelia in. "She was killed by her crazed ex boyfriend."
''yes and i have come to get my dignity back,by killing you''.Protofan said:OOC-Bring it on...
IC- "Anikan Sparrow, again?"
''really?'' *uses magic to bang meian against the wall*Protofan said:The Demon Brothers came up on each side of him. "You, kill anything?" He bcklflipped, and the Demon Brothers burst forwards, the spiked chain in between them caught Anikan, and they suddenly stopped, sending him into the stone wall. "You can't touch. me."
Meian stands up, and moves his hand into the air. The Demon Brothers pulled on their chain, driving the small spikes into Anikan.office said:''really?'' *uses magic to bang meian against the wall*
*escapes the spikes* ''your such an amature at magic i am a pro''!Protofan said:Meian stands up, and moves his hand into the air. The Demon Brothers pulled on their chain, driving the small spikes into Anikan.
SweetieGirl said:ooc: *gets popcorn and soda*FIGHT!FIGHT!FIGHT!FIGHT!
*gets up*''you do not ever do that again you hear me''?!Protofan said:"Look behind you." Behind him was just his shadow...until his shadow started to gain form, and get up. It then used his magic against him, sending him though the nearest wall.
*dose the same thing to meian* ''now who`s weak''?Protofan said:The shadow used his magic again, and the wall fell onto Anikan. "Come on...Your so weak, you can't hurt your own shadow..."