ooc-I am sooo confused, and I just love how Meian disappeared!!!!

i'm fine though. Nathariel, is a differant story
ic-Shocked when she saw that Meian was gone, and was immediatly INFURIATED that someone broke the strict laws of fairy magic and invaded her PERSONAL space. She automatically knew who was to blame-the light fairy and the one called Frenchie. She went outside into the beautiful field.
ooc-her personal place is a mixture of
Rivendell from LOTR
and the Naboo Lake Retreat from Star Wars
ic-Nathariel flew to the field and sat down in the tall grass and stared at the enormous full moon that was always in the sky, even in the day. "I don't know what to do. I care for Prince Meian, but these two fairies keep BOTHERING me. And one is supposed to be good, and she is getting on my last nerve! I am 18, and I can decide things for myself, you know that. What should I do?"
She looked at the moon, listening to her response that only she could hear.
"I thank you for your concern, and I know you know all, but isn't there some chance?"
Again she listened, this time a smile came on her face.
"You really think so? Oh THANK YOU! I shall do it right now, and if those two meddlesome fairies come, oh ho ho, I will show them the powers of their future queen. NO ONE can enter a fairies personal realm. NO ONE. Mother, with her full fairy queen powers can't even enter mine. They will face my rath, " at this she giggled, "I sound evil, but I'm really just mad that they do not trust my judgement. I want to help Meian get better, that is all."
She closed her eyes and held out her hands. Purple sparks flew out of her fingertips.
In Ankuko, Prince Meian again disappeared, and the fairies could not find him again.
In Nathariel's personal realm, she flew back to Meian's bed, carrying him and gently placing him on the bed.