Land of Fairy Tales (Don't delete)

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Lucy the Marshwiggle said:
"I dont know how I got here, but I just ended up here." Lucy smiled."Do you need help dear one? I will not leave you here alone!"

"Thank you my devoted friend. I just want to help Meian and then get him out of harm's way!"
Raven eyes were still red and cheeks are still tearstreaked.She someone on the floor."Oh my gosh!"Raven said."What am I turning good?"Raven said
transforming into this(its Tifa of course!):

Raven brought the man into her bed.He woke up."Who are you?"the man said.
"Hi I'm Raven"Raven said looking into his brown eyes.He had a mohawk but
not a full mohawk.He looks hot of course."You're pretty"the guy said falling
asleep again.Raven blushed and then sighed.
Crunchine said:
ooc-oh dear, please keep it "PG" SweetieGirl lol ;) :)

ooc: You should read High School...that thread is like PG-13! :eek:

ic: *Frenchie lay unconcious in the room**the necklace had sucked all the power our of her**she breathed in struggling rasping breaths**the two large fairies stood at the window waiting the arrival of her father**Gab just stood there mouth open**Dad must really hate Frenchie, I mean I admit he didn't really like her from the start... she was debating, Maybe she shouldn't go, she is my younger sister, and she'll go through lots of pain...maybe I should go get Mie........................AM I INSANE! Never get your subjects involved in your personal life, if I needed anything I have to do it myself!**then she decided she'd try to talk her dad out of it*
Raven liked him.He woke up."So are you---"He kissed her.She pulled back and blushed."Wait what am I doing?"the man said getting up."I forgot about
Tatiana"he said running out the door.Raven teleported to where the guy and Tatiana was(their all still in Ankuko..)"Tatiana I'm sorry I was late"He said kissing her.He pulled back and Raven plunged one of her ninja swords into his back."No one leaves me with a kiss and goes kissing another girl.I don't know you so I don't feel as bad"Raven said taking her ninja sword out.Tatiana ran
away crying.Raven took his body and left him in Mie's room."THis is just a
little present from me"Raven said laughing.
Lady Larien said:
ooc - Hiya??? do i look like somebody you would say hiya to?
ic - "I am Alatariel"
"Oh yeah"Raven said calling Jet."Raven summoned a horse."Attcke it Jet"
the black panther said running at the horse."You've got 3 minutes or you
don't get to eat it and it dissappears"Raven said putting away her staff.
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