Gentle Voice
Active member
aslana was walking around "there is not thing to do i'm so board"
Lucy the Marshwiggle said:"I dont know how I got here, but I just ended up here." Lucy smiled."Do you need help dear one? I will not leave you here alone!"
Crunchine said:ooc-oh dear, please keep it "PG" SweetieGirl lol
ooc-Hey slp Alatatriel is still Mie's slave...Lady Larien said:ooc - i have no idea what to do with Alatariel
ooc-I do not know...slpnarniaqueen said:ooc: poor poor Aterlater-whatever...where is Proto anyway?
"Oh yeah"Raven said calling Jet."Raven summoned a horse."Attcke it Jet"Lady Larien said:ooc - Hiya??? do i look like somebody you would say hiya to?
ic - "I am Alatariel"