Land of Fairy Tales (Don't delete)

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Tsukyomi said:
((Thanks for bringin' me to Belledale, BTW... hehe...))

Fiirsyx was high above Belledale, two fireballs ready.

ooc-who are you talking to? we use ooc when we are talking out of character.
ooc-im out for tonight everyone. too much to think about, and im supposed to be concentrating on this essay, and i cant if im trying to be an emotional teenage princess whose country is being attacked.
Tsukyomi said:
((Cya later.))

Another fireball was sent out, hitting the side of the main castle, shaking it.

ooc-just dont wreck the whole place while im gone, please? lol jk ;) :D
cya all tomorrow!
Lucy the Marshwiggle said:
*Lady Lucy turns to Frenchie*

"Why did you bring him here if you knew that he was going to do this?"

"I didn't know D*** it! He shows up, says I'm married to him, that Miean lied to me, collapses, can't go into Akuko...I didn't know he would destroy Belledale!" she said, he was not on her 'get remarried to' list.
He was about ot throw another fireball, and suddenly remembered what Frenchie said about not hurting anyone. He quickly used his ability and sealed the flames. He hovered in the air, as Belledale's citizens scrambled.
SlpNarniaQueen said:
"I didn't know D*** it! He shows up, says I'm married to him, that Miean lied to me, collapses, can't go into Akuko...I didn't know he would destroy Belledale!" she said, he was not on her 'get remarried to' list.

*Lady Lucy*

"Great, all because of you Belledale is going to be destroyed."
Fiirsyx realized a fire was inside the castle. "****, she'll kill me!" He flew though the window where it started, and flew fast enough, so the fire followed him, he flew thoughout the castle, getting all the fire to follow him. He flew back though the window, and the fire with it.
"I'm sorry!" she exclaimed. She left, starting out the grand doors of Belledale and leaving it behind. She didn't care if he stayed or followed, she didn't care. She'd screwed everything up...again.
Fiirsyx was in trouble. He had a ton of fire behind him, and no way to get rid of it. He streamed though the sky, writing out a message, "Sorry, Belledale." He still had it following him though.
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