Tsukyomi said:((Thanks for bringin' me to Belledale, BTW... hehe...))
Fiirsyx was high above Belledale, two fireballs ready.
Tsukyomi said:((I use double parenthesis as OOC))
Tsukyomi said:((Cya later.))
Another fireball was sent out, hitting the side of the main castle, shaking it.
Lucy the Marshwiggle said:*Lady Lucy turns to Frenchie*
"Why did you bring him here if you knew that he was going to do this?"
SlpNarniaQueen said:"I didn't know D*** it! He shows up, says I'm married to him, that Miean lied to me, collapses, can't go into Akuko...I didn't know he would destroy Belledale!" she said, he was not on her 'get remarried to' list.