Land of Fairy Tales (Don't delete)

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ooc-i think every time he comes on he goes to one specific thread.
in december it was X-Men. today it was the Rangers.
maybe next time it will be here!

Today, 02:43 PM
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Originally Posted by *IOWW the Iasc* View Post
ooc-Hehe, thanks Tiff. lol, It took a while to get it right...or, as close to right as I could.


ic- IOWW quickly headed for the camp. She saw Fish emerge from the tent and paused.
"F-Fish!" IOWW walked over to her, despising even more the fact that she couldn't see her.
From behind IOWW came a friendly, and familiar voice. "Haunting the Ranger's camp, are we, friend?"

There stood Kyn, in his usual outfit. "Nice ta see ya."
ooc: I still don't believe you. You could have very well typed that in! He said he was never coming back. (man, I sound like Doubting Thomas from the Bible...:eek: ) I won't believe it until I actually SEE that green light.
ooc: I still don't believe you. You could have very well typed that in! He said he was never coming back. (man, I sound like Doubting Thomas from the Bible...:eek: ) I won't believe it until I actually SEE that green light.

ooc-omgh youre right lol.:eek:
well give me some sandles and call me Mary
go to his public profile!
look at it and click "Find all posts by Protofan"
ooc-WHOOT WE ARE ON THE 500th PAGE!!!! everyone who posts here will get a special banner!

as the creator and fairy tale fairy, i would like to thank you all for making this thread possible. the 500th page is a big accomplishment. when i created this back in june/july, i never DREAMED it would have grown to a great place like this is. i have met so many wonderful members. thank you all

yeah, i know, ive watched too many award shows. lmco

anywho, for slp
Not sure. I WILL keep an eye on the site, reading the good ol' pirate RPG every now and then, but I'm not sure about loggin' in ever again.

he wasn't sure, and isnt it just like proto to purposly make a bug fuss about everything?lol

Darkmonkeys4ever, right now we are discussing a dear friend(;) ) who had left, but posts once in a while
right now it is the day after Christmas, and...will someone explain please, i have to go finish my project.
ooc: well I think Proto will just come on to just check the threads...

ic: Raven finished her tea and sat down.
"Soem much has happened..."she said sipping her tea.
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