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ooc-yeah i was thinking that.
hey! i was only doing that for some excitement in the plot.![]()
ooc: suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure...

ooc-yeah i was thinking that.
hey! i was only doing that for some excitement in the plot.![]()
ooc: suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure...![]()
ooc-no, for real! i wanted to make it interesting, so i made nathariel very naive
ooc: Naive is a nice way to say clueless...
I know, I'm just messin' with ya.![]()
ooc: And poor poor Frenchie is STILL trying to get Fiir to answer her question...
is he dead or not?
S to the T to the A, L, K E R...![]()
ic: Frenchie brushed Fiir's hair out of his eyes. "Please...answer me..." when no answer came, she stared at his pale face. A tear slipped from her eye as she stood. She looked to his still body, she was on her own...again. No where to go, no one to talk to. Her green skirts flushed around her ankles, still wet from the swim. Her red hair was out of place, peices of hair sticking out from her braided bun. Tears slipped down her pale cheeks as she walked away, her pale feet smacking the muddy ground.
OOC- He's okay... Here, I'll bring him back now...
IC- A small flmae appeared in the palm of his hand, and he began to cough. He sat up quickly, and spat out water. He coughed more, and wiped his mouth. He looked to the fire, and concentrated. Soon, a burning flame surronded him. "Much better..."
ooc-awwww *dabs eyes with hankerchief*
ooc: Oh yes, after a whole week...I didn't even keep Reb dead that long!![]()
ic: She turned around. "YOU'RE OKAY!" she squealed (if squealed is the right word for high-pitched scream). She through her arms around his neck and gave him a hug.![]()
OOC- This was revenge for Reb...
IC- "Yeah... I'm fine now... But... Meian did this..."
Meian still stalked Nathariel...
ooc: That's not nice! Reb's almost death was logical...well in a twisted way.
ic: Frenchie went rigid and pulled away. She took a few deep breaths, as if she were sufforcating. She didn't believe it...he couldn't be back...she dashed a look sideways in the darkness, nervous.
ooc: S to the T to the A L K E R....![]()
"He's gone now... Off to Nathariel... For his body. If he gets that back... If you remember right, he had three magical attacks... Each one is powerful enough to change his appearance, and abilities. He can kill me with his most powerful.. And he'll be near unbeatable."
That was no comfort to her. She felt sick to her stomach. She clutched her stomach with one hand, to try and stop the sickening feeling, but her other hand shook. She could only guess what Miean would want to do to her...probably kill her like he always threatened to do.
"We...We have to stop him. If he can attack me with that... It'll kill me... Then, he can do whatever he wants to you." Fiirsyx clenched his fist. He couldn't let anything happen to Frenchie. Not now. Now that he finally had her trust back. Finally... Had her love back. After so long of being imprisoned, he couldn't let ANYONE hurt her, and get away with it.
Frenchie started shivering in fright. She knew very well what Miean could do, but she'd always been stronger then, now that he knew her weaknessess...she stopped herself. "H-how do w-we do th-that?" she asked through chattering teeth. She stopped herself from bursting into tears. The world suddenly seemed so cruel now, crueler than before. She didn't know how she'd be able to stop Miean...
"Only one way... But Nathariel would have to let us... Destroy the body. He would have nowhere to go, and he'd leave. Otherwise, he'll take it at the funeral."
ooc: SHiloh, Miean is back and is stalking Nathi and Frenchie saved Fiir's life...kinda...and then now they have to destroy Mieans body so Miean can't kill 'em...
ic: "That isn't going to be easy..." Frenchie commented. "But we should probably get going, since it seems both our lives depend on it..."
"I...Have a way to kill him, but it'll kill me too. If it comes down to that, I'll do it... But it won't. Come on, let's go." He held out his hand towards her.