xXx Carmen xXx
New member
*cricket chirp chirp chirp*
ooc-so where are you? lol jk jk
ic-The Queen looked frantic. "My daughter is gone, that's what's wrong! The elves are attacking all the fairies, and she and I are in grave danger. I am the Queen of all Fairies, and she is the heir to my throne! Would you do me the honor of finding her for me? I don't know where she is! She may have been taken already without anyone seeing. I can't contact her mentally either, so she is not in her private realm. Please help me."
Nathariel looked at Joq and rubbed her head. "Like what?"
A few hours later Jessabella opened her eyes. Not again... or was that a dream? No matter, Jessabella thought. She could sence the magic that was holding her in. No, they got smarter. I officially HATE Elves.
"'s the only way I could keep you safe...I don't want to ruin the faires..." he murmered. "So I disguised you as an elf, to keep you safe, till this whole ordeal is over..." he sighed.
Jessabella easily burned her bonds. She got up and paced around her cell. "What do you want from me?" she shouted. "What did I ever do to you?"
Nathariel was frantic. "What?!?" She calmed down, "Well, thank you for being so thoughtful. I can't contact mother to tell her I am alright though, since I no longer have my fairy powers. Mother is all-powerful since she is the Fairy Queen, so I figure that after warning everyone she could, she will go and plan a counter-attack in her private realm. So what exactly is going on? How did everything start?"
"but im not even a fairy why are you capturing me" aquaria asked
"Easy, you, are a fairy, we are elves, you hate us, we hate you..."
Joq sighed. "This has been going on for hundreds of years, fairies would just come attack us, and we'd attack back. Of course no one told the royalty about this conflict. It's just small massacures...small killings." Joq looked away. "We used to be friends with you, until we moved out of fairy world, and away. Mother knew the arising dangers..." he sighed. "Lor is angry, fairies massacured killing everyone in the group...Mother, Father, our other siblings and our whole clan...except us. That's why she is so cold toward you. She started up another rebellion, but this time she planned to take out all the fairies..." he sighed. "When she's angry, she won't listen to sense...she's a good, skilled one, not even fairies, could beat her...there isn't much hope if all goes as planned."
Lor dressed as a fairy guard, now entering the palace. She spotted the fairy Queen, Nat's mother. Now was the time, she could take her out, win this whole thing, but something stopped inside. This was her best friend's mother...
ooc-*cough to those who are being attacked*fairieshavewings*cough*
ic-"My mother will figure out a plan."
The Queen saw Lor. "Don't even try it Lorinq, I am very ashamed of you. To think you were friends with my daughter. I wish you all still communicated all these years. I've missed talking with your mother. Well, it's time to go now. Good-bye." she said as she disappeared, not to be seen from again for a long, long time.
"I'm NOT a fairy!!! I SWEAR!" Jessabella screamed at the top of her lungs. "I've never done anything to the Elves!"
ooc: couldn't let Lor have a inner conflict could ya? Had to end it right then and there!
ic: Joq sighed. "I'm going to get Lor, I'm going to make her stop this..." and with that Joq left, swiftly and quietly, as if he were never there.
Lor stood there. What had she done? How could she have done this? All the elves looked confused at Lor's hesitation. "Continue..." she said hoarsly. But she took no part in capturing the rest of the castle, just left silently, riding off into the night.
"We'll just have to do a few tests to prove that..." the elf responded.
"I'm a FIRE WITCH! How do you think I escaped the first time?""We'll just have to do a few tests to prove that..." the elf responded.
ooc:i'm sorry.i have grown attached to the Queen, and didn't know you were going to continue the inner conflict moment. sry!
ic-Which left Nathariel, disguised as an elf, in the middle of a Belledale forest/cave(ooc-not sure), all alone.
"I'm a FIRE WITCH! How do you think I escaped the first time?"