King Of The Hallows
New member
Mortemor walked through the mist with Nathariel at his side. " We have work to do , you and I " he said to her , still walking. " I will be the King of all the country , and you will be my personal servent " he said with a grin. " I hope you are happy with this , to me it would be an honor if I got to be a personal slave to the most powerful King there is " he said triumphitly. " Now .. " he said coming up onto another floating portal. He slipped into the portal and stood infront of the castle doors. The two guards were dead , and the dooors to the castle were blasted open. " Right this way Nathariel " he grinned , entering the castle.
ooc- So am I going to kill the Queen
ooc- So am I going to kill the Queen