New member
ooc: And you know me, the bad guy never wins unless I play them
ic: "But there is more important buissness to take care of right now Nat. The force is great...but we have to fight..." Joq started.
"WHAT!? We'll die!" Lor exclaimed. "We can leave right now and-"
"Lor, stop it, it'll reach us anyway..."
"Not if we get away..."
"Do you think we can escape this?" Lor's eyes became determined.
"If it's a war he wants, it's a war he shall get."p)
ooc-yes i did miss you slp!!! how could one not?

ic-Nathariel started trembling. Tears rolled down her cheeks. "My magic's gone, and I can't contact mother. What am I to do? How am I to protect my People?"