"It's in an old mansion about a half hour away."
"So that's settled. I believe it's time for me to prepare my dress," Nathariel said as she got up and stretched.
Nathariel laughed. "I'll see you later then!"
Mortimer appeared next to Raven. "Raven, report."
Raven was sitting on the ground as Mortimer appeared.
"Mortimer? finally, you've come."
Getting up Raven stated "One of these stupid citizens has tried to face us ALONE, but nothing has happened."
"Which one?" He looked around. A small crowd was gathering. The man that had attacked her was on the ground trying to get away.
"Oh no, more are coming!"Raven sarcastically said.
All of the Ankuko soldiers stood up from resting.
"No, I don't think they are."
All of the citizens froze. In ice.
((*stares* Eek!! I've been gone for way too long, I can't even find when I last posted...Will someone please tell me what's happening, is there going to be a party or something?? And are Natharial and Mortimer married?? *hits head* This time I'll try and keep up!!))
ooc-i'm just glad youre back!
mortimer and nathariel are getting married Dec. 22, the first day of winter. mortimer has taken over the enitre world except for belledale, and no one except him knows what he's going to do next.