oc: I love the name Jaden...Jaden was walking along the countryside still looking for people when he noticed his Crystal Pendant around his neck shining. It was telling him far off into a distance there were people. " Take me to them " he said to the pendant. He clutched it tight and the light swallowed him up. Next thing he knew he was falling in what it seemed to be a type of fog. Before he could make any sence to this he was lying on a stone floor. The fog cleared at once and he found he was in a Castle courtyard. " This is belledale " he said looking around, reconzing the world. He saw the queen talking to someone else. He hurried over to her. " Your majesty your majesty " he said waving his hands in the air.
ooc-i believe at the moment we're all chillin out in my royal gardens...
ic- The Queen turned and saw this new arrival. Not recognizing him, she was on her guard as she waited for him to come closer...
ooc: To Destiny Lies, Thank you
IC: Jaden walked towards the Queen. " Your Majesty " he said bowing. " Im afraid that I have some bad news. I cannot find any living in Venevera. I seem to be the only thing there. Ive searched the valleys and paths and the wood but cannot find a soul. " He said trying not to look directly into The Queens eyes.
ic: Anakin walked into the gardens. '' Why hello everybody.''
Nathariel's face filled with distress. "His doing, I supposed," she breathed quietly to herself. Taking a deep breath to calm herself and attempt to clear her head of the memories that flashed in her mind's eye, she asked, "I am sad to hear of this, but may I ask, who are you?"
Anakin laughed and said, ''No, it`s just that I have been trying to sort out my life so I decided to return here where I belong. What have you been up to?''
" I am Jaden. I have the most sacred and ancient tree in Venevera. I am a dryad in human form " He said proudly
Aslana place her arm around her " it's all right your highness you didn't know," she told her, making her wings turn green.
Anakin said, ''Don`t worry. It`s not like you knew. Mortimer just wasn`t the right person for you.'' Anakin turned to Aslana, ''No, I don`t believe we have met.''
She flew over to a flower " Well you all ready know way I'm here," she told her, now sitting down " I'm here because I was looking for my sister," she told her.
She nodded " Yes I have," she said.