Last Post Game V

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aw poor thing:( you klnow, if you give it some cake it might ecide to be your pet and follow you around like a puppy:p
*eats cookies*
lol. wellll..... *steals your cookies and gives them to tornado*

I think it worked!

Hey, I think I'm going to run on the treadmil while i'm down here in this stupid basement :) i'll be back in a little bit! :):)
*steals cookies back*
ok, cya MK:)
You two are everywhere
because i am the ever-present one. wherever you go, i am there. you maty try to run an hide, but i will always be wherever you are. wherever everyone is. because i am ever present.
correction- i usually don't post in the so...who's on now thread:p (but i'm always there of course:p)
*sets winner's throne on fire*
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