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Ahhhh!!! I want to go there soo bad! You have no idea how much I long to go there.

I'm going there......hopefully next summer *crosses fingers*

England...not Waterstones. Although, I probably will find one and stop by....I love books.
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lol You say that because you're from England. You have no idea how long I've wanted to go there. Practically my whole life. I dont hate America and I'm not unpatriotic but I would really prefer to live there.
lol You say that because you're from England. You have no idea how long I've wanted to go there. Practically my whole life. I dont hate America and I'm not unpatriotic but I would really prefer to live there.
Thats fair enugh. I guess I am bias lol.
LOL. If you said "I want to go to America sooo bad." I would say "It's just America." I think it's because I've been here my whole life just as you've probably been there you're whole life.

A change of scenery never hurt anyone. I just have to overcome my fear of flying.

What time is it there anyway?
Would make it hard if you come here though. Also we have more hours of dark. Espessuly during the winter. That can make it hard for fogreners (sp)
I dont even know where to go. People tell me to go to London but I don't know if I'll get the actual English experience in London. Where would you recommend?
Milton Keynes! (It's where I live lol) London is just scary. I have been to some concerts there. And you hear about murders a lot. Or somewhere in the country is good.

What do you mean about an English exsperience?
Like, London is very touristy. (Is that even a word?) I dont know what I mean really.......the country sounds really appealing. LOL! I met someone in the Cotswolds (is that right?) and they wanted me to go there lol. So, yeah, I really don't know.
I'm bad at spelling so I think it's like that.

Lol okie dokie. Well just go somewhere that you know you will be safe. Also that you know what youa re going to do when you come here.
I've been looking into it. I dont think I want to go alone. But I definitely don't want to go with someone who isn't going to appreciate it. lol
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