Least Favorite movie

^they were showing that Betoven movie thing on TV yesterday. :rolleyes: they're OK. and I agree..the Air Buds ones are...zzz...
I agree with Julianna! I HATE Titanic. If they have left some parts out, it would have been okay but it was too long and too overrated.

Anyobdy seen the TV "Titanic"?Its very good,IMO...but needs a filter for language..and it has a much happier end,than the theatre version....

Another movie I dislike is Laurel and Hardy silents..I'm not a fan of slapstick at all...:eek::eek:
UMMM...I do not like
Raise Your Voice
High School Musical
Nancy Drew
Harry Potter ANYTHING (sorry HP fans)
That's all I can think of, but I KNOW there is more, there have been so many dumb movies made lately!
I don't like those slapsticks either and I HATE mr Bean movies.
Other movies I dislike:
Meet the parents
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
Scary movie (all three, I think the humor was to cry about)
Most horror movies. I don't like horror. I am not afraid at all, but I just don't like it.
House of the spirits (bad language)
I have to say that I am glad I have not watched half the movies that I have seen written on here. I would also like to say that I disliked the ends of Ladder 49 and The Guardian.
I refuse to watch National Treasure because they made some very bad historical errors Like taking the premise that Charles Carroll was a mason. With the rules of the masons back then, and to some extent now-a-days, the Catholic Charles Carroll would not have been able to even join the masons if he wanted to.
My least favourite film of all time has to be Catwoman. It's really badly done but it just freaks me out as well! Urrrggh!!

Also anything with Jack Nicholson, Adam Sandler or Ben Stiller in! They SO annoy me!! :rolleyes: