Least Favorite movie

An old, old movie I really hated was titled "Surrender." It was a sort of romance set in the 19th century, with the heroine being drawn by her lover into something or other of an illegal nature. On the one hand, I never like the glamorizing of selfish, immoral criminals. On the other hand, I like to see criminals given a chance to repent and change, if this can be done without undue danger to society at large. At the end of the movie, a posse had the two sweethearts surrounded and basically at its mercy. There was no real need to kill them; but the sheriff had his men pump more bullets into them than were fired at Bonnie and Clyde...and then, AFTER they were deader than dead, shouted at them to give themselves up! A really, really stupid movie.

Wow, that is very stupid.

For some weird reason, that reminded me of another stupid movie called "I Am Bob". It's an 80s Japanese anime movie, and all it's about is the guy who loves to ride motorcycles, and this girl who saw a picture of him but NEVER saw him before wrote him a long love letter, and all he wrote in response to this was, "I like blue."....I mean COME ON! And it apparently gets worse. At the end of the movie, he gets a chance to talk to the girl who wrote him the love letter, but on the same night, his boss offers to go out riding with him, and he goes with his boss instead of waiting for the girl to call. When he sees what the time is while he's out riding, he goes back racing to the phone, and...dies in a car crash, never getting the chance to talk to the one girl who loves him. I've never seen this movie, but I read a detailed review of it, and I have to say, it's pretty stupid.
Ok I really hated the most recently released Jane Austen movie. (Pride and Predjudace with Kera Knightly.) I think, they did a terrible job with character portrayal.
My least favorite movie would probably be Apocolypse Now. I'm sure it was partly because I was forced to watch it during English class in order to compare it to Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad (one of my least favorite books), but it was also really violent, lots of swearing... It was a war movie, and the only war movie I even slightly like was War of the Worlds (and that was really a sci-fi movie). There were also these scenes when the camera close-upped on Marlon Brando's face and he was sweaty and smoking and the lighting made everything yellowy-brown... it was just kind of gross.
This is going to sound crazy but my least favorite movie is probably Finding Nemo, but i luv dori, just its a very depressing movie, but i can probably think of a movie ii hate more, but i hav to think bout it
"Finding Nemo" actually has a blessed meaning for me; the experiences of Marlin, the widower, have some remarkable parallels to my own (apart from the jellyfish). And it was the last movie my first wife Mary ever watched for enjoyment. But tastes vary.

A major anti-favorite for me was the THIRD movie in the "Crow" series. UNLIKE the reanimated murder victims in the first two "Crow" movies, the "hero" in the third movie DID NOT take scrupulous care to kill ONLY evildoers; he also needlessly killed some policemen who basically were just in his way.
oh well, i said i wasnt sure it is my least favorite, i am a opptomistic person so i dont lik sadness, the beginning is very sad thats why i didnt lik it, but the rest was pretty good, just i lik most movies so i coudnt think of anything
Well, then, Tiara, don't bother thinking about stupid stories; instead, read a clever story, my own "The Tale of Sophia Renee." SHAMELESS PLUG STRIKES AGAIN!
My least favorite movie- what is my least favorite movie? I don't know, I haven't seen that many bad movies. Maybe War of the Worlds(2005) because it wasn't really about the war between Earth and Mars, and they didn't show a battle between the Martians and a country like the U.S.
My least favorite movie- what is my least favorite movie? I don't know, I haven't seen that many bad movies. Maybe War of the Worlds(2005) because it wasn't really about the war between Earth and Mars, and they didn't show a battle between the Martians and a country like the U.S.

Oh my gosh! That is exactly what I was thinking. To be honest most movies are like that, for instance The Day After Tomorrow, I Am Legend and several others. And I'm watching thinking its only the US that is being effected.

Epic Movie was an aweful movie and I was really dissappointed with the directors because I usally like their movies and they are usually funny.
Least favorite huh?

1) Anything with Ashton Kutcher in it. Seriously people, the guy is the worst actor I have ever seen. Quit making movies with him.

2) Semi-Pro - rented this movie for a dollar and wanted my money back after fifteen minutes.

3) War of the Worlds (2005) - special effects were great. Rest of the movie, not so great. I mean, how much teen angst do we have to put up with?
Starting with The DaVinci CRUD, and from then on, ANY new movie featuring Tom Hanks, who agreed to headline that concerted and slanderous attack on the fundamentals of the Christian faith, is on my trash list. Of course, any sympathizers of church-bashing who see that I've said this will trump up a fine make-believe indignation, pretending to believe what they KNOW is not true, that I'm calling for forcible censorship of movies. All I'm saying is that Tom Hanks has forfeited MY money and support. Same thing applies to Nicole Kidman and Sam Elliott for being in The Golden COMPOST.
Thank you, K-N! Let me put in a plug for the OTHER best. Have you stayed current with Inkling's latest threads in Writing Club, the Narnian detective story and the series of Narnian sonnets? If not, do yourself a favor and get caught up on them!
ESCANABA IN DA MOONLIGHT. If you haven't seen it... DON'T SO flippin stupid.

umm....anything with Will Ferrel and Adam Sandler (with the exception of 20 first dates or whatever its called) I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE!!! crude humor.

Golden compost ;) good name! ya know I actually had a lady try to tell me that it was the same as Narnia and the kids weren't "killing God" they were killing the world :eek: how twisted can this thing get? I mean...the author SAID what it was about!!!

umm....practically all Johnny Depp movies....he has such potential...but all his stuff is practically crap.

SWEENEY TODD!!!! they KILLED IT!!!! great musical, fantastic with Angela Lansbury and George Hearn...but gosh, WHYJohnny and Helena?!?!?!?

same goes for Jekyll and Hyde the filmed stage version....freaking DAVID HASSLEHOFF....but I still love the movie if I can get past David.

last 2 pirates of the Caribbean

all high school musicals and most recent Disney movies

I'm quite a harsh movie critic.....and very opinionated....
About that woman defending Phillip Pullman's anti-God stories: distressing to say, the woman in question could have been a stupid, incompetent CHRISTIAN!--because it somehow happens that genuine, well-meaning Christians can get the craziest blind spots about things which are obviously hostile to our faith.

More than 30 years ago, George Burns and John Denver starred in a so-called "comedy" film titled "Oh, God!" It was marketed as a "nice, clean" movie, because it had no rape scenes or nude scenes. Well, it would have been BETTER if it had featured rape or nudity--rather than what it DID feature, which was a systematic denial and contradiction of the ENTIRE New Testament. George Burns, as a flippant version of the Almighty, VERY explicitly stated to John Denver's character that NOT ONE of the miracles recorded in the Bible after the parting of the Red Sea had actually happened. This IS a direct and undisguisable statement that Jesus was NOT born to a virgin, did NOT heal the sick or drive out demons, did NOT atone for our sins, did NOT rise from the dead, and did NOT give us fellowship with the Holy Spirit. And yet, a sincere Christian pastor I knew absolutely refused to see the blasphemy that was staring him in the face--no, PUNCHING him and all Christians in the face--from this movie.

This movie, scarcely even concealing its contempt and malice against the truth of Jesus, was probably a major inspiration for the later producers and writers of the TV series "Touched By An Angel." As with "Oh, God!", we Christians were expected to shut up and look like delighted puppies as long as ANY sort of Deity was offered at all. But in spite of the involvement of persons pretending to be Christians (like Della Reese, who was actually a New Age cultist), "Touched By An Angel" had only three spiritual doctrines: (1) "Be nice, and talk about love all the time;" (2) "Ignore, or make excuses for, almost all sins except racism;" and (3) "NEVER, NEVER, NEVER mention Jesus, not ever, not in any way at all, and LEAST of all in the CHRISTMAS episode!"

They did not treat Jesus like a radioactive leprous ex-convict with bad breath because they "had to;" they did it because they WANTED to. During the SAME years when "Touched By An Angel" was in production, and on the SAME network, Chuck Norris on HIS program OPENLY honored and glorified the Lord Jesus BY NAME. So it could be done, even in the p.c. atmosphere of the television industry; the Angel-Babies CHOSE not to do it.