Letters To No-one


Active member
Okay, I don't know if there is a thread like this here, and if there is, please feel free to lock this.

This thread is basically to write letters to someone- anyone- no matter where they are or what they may be doing. It could be someone you know, or someone you want to get to know better. It could be something you long to tell them but can't for some reason, or something you just want to get off your chest. Or heck, it could just be something totally random and weird. No-one will question you about them, so it may feel like there's a weight lifted off your shoulders.

Feel free to start :)
Dear [name omitted],

I wish you would tell me that you love [name omitted] so I would quit falling in love with you. I know that she would be far better for you than me, anyway. I hate trying to act normal around you when I'm always having a debate inside myself. My father says that I need to forget about it. How can I help it when I see you all the time??

I can't believe I showed this to you guys!!! :eek:
Dear *cough*
I miss you guys so much. We're so far from each other and we only see each other every 4 years or so. Lately you guys haven't been replying to my emails and you haven't been on msn much. Whats going on? I don't want our friendship to fall apart. It means too much to me.

Dear *someone*,
I haven't seen you for 5 years now...I thought we were always going to be friends, but you won't even talk to me anymore! Why???
I used to cry about it, but I won't anymore.
Dear who ever

Men do you think life is heard or it's just me? Because sometimes I wish I can change everything *sigh* Well I love to talk if you need a shoulder or a friend to talk to you know were to find me lol:D.
Dear ????????
How are you...its so cool that we are doing that awesome dance for school...to bad im the only girl who will dance.
Well I will talk to you later
i geuss i will put my real name

Dear ******:
My wish for you is that you become everything you're capable of being. I can't wait to walk beside you for the next thirty, fifty, even eighty years, Lord willing, and love you more truly each day. You amaze me with your strength and your intelligence.

Dear tdlers,
it is my hope that all of you will be safe and that God will bless you greatly. you are all dear to my heart.
love always,
your sister,

i wish you werent so wonderful, then i could quit liking you and feeling so confused.
To a Lost Friend

Dear Friend,

I never really knew you very well. When we were little, I saw you once a year at the homeschoolers' meeting. But for that one day every year, we were best friends. I remember feeding cracker crumbs to the ants and watching in fascination as they would drag them off into their tiny homes. For one day we were inseparable.

There was only one time I saw you outside of the meeting, and that was when I visited you at your house. I loved your dog, and you were impressed with my piano playing. We even got into a theological argument about whether the Rapture was supposed to take place "pre" or "post-tribulation." I laugh now because neither of us had a clue what we were talking about.

Then one year you told me that you were moving away. I never meant to lose you even then. We gave you our e-mail address, but we changed it soon afterward, and we misplaced yours. I only remember your first name now. I'm sure my mother doesn't remember you at all. But I still think of you often and wonder where you are. I wonder what you look like now, and if you've changed much. Would you still be able to understand a shy, serious bookworm like me, or have you become like the rest of them - obsessed with makeup and dating, unable to talk about anything that requires thinking? Somehow I have this feeling that if we ever meet again, we'd just go on being friends right where we left off, like it always was when we were children. But I can never be sure. I hope I see you again - if not in this world, then in the next. May God bless you, wherever you are.

Hey dude,
I used to never want to see you again, but now I think I'd like to. I've grown up a little, hope you have too. Wish I had your number!
Dear *****,
I was really surprised and happy when you said you really liked me. No one has ever said that to me before. To be really honest I really like you to!
Can't wait to see you again!
Dear ...,

Is it................ARG.

Oh, nevermind. I have to much of a habit of keeping important things inside to say it — even this way. Great idea, though. :)
Dear ****** ***,
You are a brilliant, wonderful and handsome person. You're loved and adored by milions of people though many others have thought you are terrible. But you're really great. All of us who know better love you very much.

Your Fan,

.....Its probably very obvious who thats to...XD
Dear *****
its kinda funny how you say stuipedly mean funny things about me and keep doing it even when i know and you know its not true.
Its really sad lol
and really annoying


Dear Bear,

I wonder if you would ever see this?

It's funny, you're just standing here beside the computer, and not knowing that I'm typing a note to you. :D

I really love you, Bear, you're really my very best friend.

And please post more in the 100,000 thread. You know how hard we're trying to get there.


I'd love to use my real name, but you know how it is.
Dear *****,
It's almost your wedding day and I"m so happy for you! You desevere happiness after all the hardship you've been through and I'm glad you're finally getting it.
Much love and best wishes