Lewis and Beauty

Lewis was very much a Neoplatonist. As Plato once said, only a fool says something is beautiful when he does not believe in beauty.
Such a fool suffers from cognitive dissonance. When he's busy deconstructing things, he rejects the idea of beauty; but when authentic beauty catches him off guard, he reflexively delights in it before he remembers to be a scoffer.
I sense a roomful of Americans having a problem with subtle differences in British and American English. The object of my affections is not objectified.
Tut tut, a group of some Americans!😂🤣😂

I found the quote positively endearing, and British subtleties are a large part of Lewis's charm. It tickles me how he mentions people and places that people across the pond have no concept of. In some cases it sends me on a research rabbit hole, and others I sit back and simply enjoy how thoroughly British C.S. Lewis was.

But as for this specific quote, I'm not even sure that's a linguistic misunderstanding. The concepts of femininity and submission and the idea that women may enjoy the female body in much the same way a man does, just in a different capacity, a giving capacity, is near blasphemy in this current climate. People's affections and roles are either grossly warped, or butchered beyond recognition. That is why I so appreciated POW statements about mutual self-giving. We've robbed each other of the pleasures we get and give within the confines of our natural hierarchy in this mad scramble for self determination, self preservation, and self love. We were warned, but I don't think enough people could forsee where the "feminist revolution " was going to take us or the far reaching ramifications of women "throwing off their chains of oppression " 🙄 now nobody is happy.
Time for another CS Lewis quote. "Human history is the long, terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy."