Life as a Queen and King

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He smiled " I'm glad you like it but that's not what I want to show you though," he told her, talking to a huge castle " Our home," he told her.

" I hope she enjoying herself," she said, with a smile


" All right my love first I'll show you the main room were I talk to our people," he told her, talking her to a huge room.
Lorna walked down the hall, in her bed chmber, and got one of her cloaks. She walked downstairs and told a guard she was going to the village of her kingdom. She loved seeing the town folk. She saw a women, begging to a baker, for some free food. She had no money. Lorna walked upto the women and baker.
"Hello, here you are, take this and get yourself something to eat,"she said then gave the women a pouch, which had money inside.
"Oh, thank you, your majesty!"she said then curtsied.
"Your welcome,"Lorna said smileing, then walked into a small bookstore.
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