Life in L A Rpg

Reb was walking. The sun was very hot today, so she decided to wear her jacket around her waist. The black dye in her hair had come out, and showed a darkish red color in the sun. The sun was really bright in her eyes and made her squint her pale blue eyes. Her face and eyes weren't used to be being in full sun because she always had her hood on. She still wore long sleeves, but they were rolled up, her scars showing vibrantly in the bright sun, but no one was near by so she didn't care. Her hair was in a ponytail to keep it off her neck and her pale skin looked extremely white, showing off the purple sores that dotted her face and arms. She walked past the public pool, searching it quickly for any sign of people she knew. She watched people swim for a while...she hadn't gone to the pool since she was a little girl, but it didn't matter. She watched as people laughed and smiled at each other, screaming and having fun. She smiled slightly as her bangs fell into and covered her right eye. She watched and smiled at the one noticing she was there.