Life in L A Rpg

She jump up.
' OK go right ahead just be careful with him," she said walking into the house,
she find his Unle sitting on the couch.
" hmm can I talk with you?," she ask holding her hand.
She look up at him.
" I'll wait for Chris to tell you," she said getting up,
she want were Chris was.
" Chris talk to your Uncle he scaring me," she said taking Jack from him.
"okay " chris walked down the stair and his uncle said loudly
" why are you getting married "
"take it easy okay i mean i love and im going to be with her with or with you "
ooc:g2g sorry
Alex heard something she went to find out.
" what the,?" she ask running up to Chris still holding Jack in her arms,
she look at Chris then his Uncle.
" what just happen her?," she ask didn't know what to do now.