Life in L A Rpg

" not again " a cop walked up " you know the drill " chris handed him his stuff " since its your first time i will let you off with a warning " the cop walked back and chris " not that hard now was it "
ooRP: k i'll join now but you gotta fill me in a little about whats going on.

Name: Violet (goes by Vi)

Age: 17

Town: umm where are the most people?

bio: She has tried smoking but never liked it so she doesnt drink or smoke. She likes to wear long pants even in the summer and likes winter alot better.

personality: she is a very good friend to those she gets along with and with those she doesnt she doesnt put up with them and just tries to avoid them. She went through depression very early so she knows alot about how to live life. she's been through alot in her life and she is currently running away from home where she feels like she's over worked and unappreciated.

ic: Vi stood by the side of the road with her thumb up. one hour and still no luck. she sat down on the side of the road and sighed. she waited for another car to come

ooc: haha im using your idea xD