New member
Aundrea pulled out her iphone and set it to the scandelous picture. "You know I really don't like being sent pictures of my boyfriend on top of Rachel." She said obviously annoyed. "Would you care to explain." Aundrea said sounding dangerously calm pursing her lips as she handed Ethan her iphone with the picture on the screen then placed her hands on her hips as she waited for an answer.
The first thing that Ethan looked at was who had sent it. 'I'll kill him'
he thought as he searched for his words.
"It's not what it looks like. Racheal said girls were just as good at sport as boys were so I challenged her to a game. Anyway I accidentally tackled her" first lie "and we both fell to the ground. It didn't mean anything" second lie "nothing for you to be worried about" third lie. Ethan didn't know he could lie so easily.
"You're not jealous are you?" he asked intrigued and kinda amused.