Life in Malibu

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ic: They picked Cammie up and arrived at the party shortly afterwards.
"Wow..........Aundrea really out did herself" Ethan said as he stepped out of the car.

Ethan walked casually into the huge building and immediately spotted Aundrea even though she was amongst the huge crowd and expensively dressed people. She looked amazing. He knew it was her because she had told him she would be wearing red, but his eyes were caught by someone else in red. He wasn't actually sure which one Aundrea was now but both figures looked hot so it didnt really matter.
By the time Ethan, Nathan, and Cammie had showed up Aundrea was already in the club talking to people. She pulled out her iphone from her silver clutch and called Ethan.
"Hey, where are you?" Aundrea asked once he answered his phone, getting slightly impatent.
Ethan answered his phone as he walked otwards one of the girls that was wearing a red dress in hope that it was Aundrea.
"Right behind you" he said into his mobile as he stood behind who he thought was Aundrea.
"You look so hot" he whisphered in her ear before she turned around.

ic:Ethan put his arms around her small waist and kissed her neck.
"Hmm you smell good too. It's like the full package with you" he whisphered softly into her ear.
ooc: hahaha, right... I forgot.

ic: Rachel smirked. "I didn't know you felt so strongly, Ethan. You shouldn't have hidden that." She turned and kissed him ont the lips.
^LOL could have been XD

ic: Ethan wandered why Aundrea would say something like that. He had never hidden his feelings for her but he didnt have time to think before who he thought was Aundrea turned around and kissed him.
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