New stuff, and this is the first time I've made Twilight avis and banners... I just got hooked (yeah I know I'm a bit behind, it's been popular for quite a while now),and I've managed to read the first two books in two days =)
The time has come for me to make some walls again. I'm sorry to say that I'm not happy with a single one of them though :huh: They didn't turn out as I wanted... I'm posting them anyways -- they're all Twilight (Yes, my name is Carina and I'm Twilightholic. Completely obsessed as the matter of fact....)
I'm glad someone likes them! I was actually about to delete them. I hate it when something turns out wrong... my ideas just crashed and died when I made those. Ugh.
Did anyone say Prince Caspian? I don't think you did, but I made wallies anyways =D
Here's my newest banner - it's my entry for the Supernatural Triple Threat Challenge. The challenge is devided into three rounds. First round's winners were just announced - I got second place yay! This is my entry for 3rd round.