Lord of the Rings Discussion...

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I take criticism every day from my friend Justice. I know how to handle it, I just don't like it. And Steph did criticize me; she asked me if it was laziness. She could've just as easily said I am lazy. I hate that. I came on here expecting to make friends. See, the thing that really bugs me, is Steph was the first one on here who actually accepted me. She was the first one to reply to my pointless threads and joke around. It surprises me that now she doesn't seem to like me. :(
i dont think steff was purposefully trying to sound cutting. thing to learn about tdl, we make friends quickly and easily but we still accidentally offend.
She didn't say you were lazy. She said "is it laziness?" There's a difference there. Asking something and saying something are totally different. No ever rejected you. I can't speak for Steph, but I think you just need to learn good forum etiquette, what's appropriate and such. You're lucky it was Steph who told you these things because she was very nice in saying it.
I'm going to leave the thread now because I don't want to make it worse.
listen, you have to know me in order to know that sometimes, I say things the wrong way. I was not trying to be demeaning or offensive, and if I get banned, then I must deserve it. I would hate for any member to leave because of something I've said. Skylasue is a person who can testify to the fact that I can be hot-tempered and easily angered, annoyed, and frustrated at times. But when I realize that I've offended someone, I've tried to mend it. I've tried...and sometimes it doesn't work, and that's fine, but from now on, I will just ignore your threads and not post so I don't say something I'll regret later on.

btw, I'm sorry for how I said the things I said. You don't have to accept it because that's fine and I really don't deserve it. Farewell.
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Seeing that a thread on LOTR already exists and that this one has nothing to do with it, i lock.
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