Lord of the Rings Meets Narnia!

Peter Hello Caspian how are things good to see you again Peter embraced him How many years have past in Narnia that usual muddle of time in England. If we are even in Narnia at all
(I will be Prince Caspian f it's ok!)

"And I am Caspain X King of Narnia!" -embraces Peter and kisses Susan's hand- "Good to have you two back! And who are you sir for you look raggad and worn from travel!"

ooc: glad u joined!

IC: Susan bowed to Caspian.
By Jove Look at that it somewhat looks like the Narnia I remember i didn't even recognize this place Caspian Look Sharp Su somehow magic must have bought us here. Aslan must need us here for something.
Aslan the great lion the son of the emperor over the sea not a tame lion will reveal his purpose to You Aragorn and us during the term of our stay in Narnia

occ Sorry for the double post i forget i wanted to say something else
"South to Archenland. Peter, Susan. I'm afraid I know where Lu and Ed are. You see just before I arrived here I encountered a group of Calormens with a Tarkaan Lord. they mentioned 'special baggage for the Tisroc,' they would have had to come right through here and doubtless they have your brother and sister. I can only think that you Aragorn were called to help us as well.
Hurry if we go now we may be able to reach Archenland before the Calormens and cut them off!" -Caspian takes a few steps then turns back for the others to follow-
"Peter then on the March Then Oh Dear i hope those bloody Tisroc did not lay a hand on my brother and sister. " Caspian I want to stop by the treasure Chamber at Cair Paraviel get my Sword and Armor and shield If those Tisroc want a fight they will get one. "
"Your welcome to join us Aragorn I will be glad for your help kneel Before me and hand me your sword I will bestow up on you a honary(sp?) Knight of the Order of the Lion. By the power invested in me by Aslan and High King of Narnia. "