Lost Boy's Nadia


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Nadia’s eyes snapped open and adjusted to the themselves to the darkness. She tried to rub the sleepiness from her eyes as she quietly stepped into the hall leading to her parents bedroom.
Gunfire and screams could be heard outside. Nadia pushed the fear out of her lungs and forced herself to breathe again. Calming herself down a little she called out quietly in the night.
“Mom?” There was no answer.
Nadia screamed as a large and heavy hand weighed down on her shoulder and turned her about almost forcefully…

Okay so I actually started another story for my fans!
I have to explain a little bit though. Nadia means Hope and that kind of plays into the story.
Now I think I said (stupidly) Somewhere else that this was based in Suadi Arabia but I MEANT SUDAN. This is about the Civil War, and it's been on my heart a LOT lately and the war over there is STILL going on. So with that said... I'll write more later.
Already huh? OK...

"Forgive me, Nadia, I should have warned you I was here." Said a strong voice.
"Matthew?" Nadia said staring up at her older friend. "I... I'm glad you are safe. My parents, My dad always knows what to do."
"No Nadia, I have spoken with your father, he has given me instruction, and you are to come with me."
"What? Where? Why? Where are my parents?" Nadia was confused and now worried.
"There is no time Nadia, Noe go and get your pack." Matthew sounded a bit forceful and Nadia did not hesitate. She ran into her room and crossed the window cautiously but quickly. She opened her closet door and grabbed the pack from the floor. Her father had told everyone in the neighborhood that readiness was a kkey to staying safe in the war of Sudan.
In the past few weeks Nadia had noticed things changing. Everything became more and more serious. She was aware of the dangers of missionary work, and she was aware of how much more dangerous mission work in Sudan was, with the war going on. But her father had chosen a secluded place and hoped that the war would not come to them for much longer.
That had not been a succesfull hope. The war had been moving very quickly in their direction and Nadia knew that her father had a plan, but now she was worried.
Nadia froze when she saw a blast of fire fly through her window. She was thrown back against the wall and her room was engulfed in flame!
Reepicheepfan said:
now more!! its been days!!

yesyes, please more!!! when i started reading it, i could tell it was gonna be as good as WSW!!!!!!1 so i kept reading...and now...we need more...willsgirl you are so good!!!!!!
LOL, sorry to leave you hangin' guys, I'm retyping this out of an old notebook (never finished the story) and editing as I go, so it takes me longer and life has been super busy lately, so thank you for your compliments and please bare with me. LOL ok, as for more story...

"Nadia, Are you hurt?" Matthew yelled over the sound of the roaring fire.
"No." Nadia said rubbing her head and getting to her feet. "I can't get out." She looked about and around the flames and found the silhoette of her tall blacj sudanese friend.
"Wrap a blanket around yourself and run." Matthew suggested.
Nadia pulled a sheet off her bed and wrapped it losely around her body, picked up her pack again and ran head on through the flames. The sheet quickly caught fire but Matthew snatched it by a carner and threw it back into the fire.
"You are not hurt?" He asked.
"No, I'm fine." Nadia said in a rather sad voice. She was only now beginning to see through her fear, what was happening. Something was terribly wrong. And she was starting to understand everythinga little bit better.
"We must go." Matthew pushed on, trying to turn Nadia away from the burning house. She had lived there for nearly three and a half years. It was her home and shelter in the new worl of Sudan. Ever since she had been there in the village this home was there, as her missionary father came ahead to build it.
When Matthew and Nadia started onto the streets Matthew pulled her in closer. You must remain calm or someone will suspect..." He stopped, "Do not look around." He said sadly. "Watch only your feet." Nadia looked up into his face and tears were shining in his eyes. Nadia looked down at her feet and let Matthew's strong arm guide her. He tried to take her on the cleanest part of the roads but bodies were laying every which way. Burned, battered, and bloody.
Nadia had no wish to see the murdered and it lay heavy on her heart as she prayed for the dead whom she knew she had probably once met and come to love.
The vision of her poorly shod feet was bured heavily with tears as she stepped over a puddle of blood.
The sound of sudden broken glass caught Nadia's attention and she looked up and over in the direction of the sound.
A large group of armed men pushed a small group of prisoners. Nadia gasped and yelled out before thinking. "Mom, Dad!" Matthew looked back at the bruised face of Mr. Clipe, and grabbed Nadia by the arm. Time seemed to freeze and at once Matthew understood the stern look in his Missionary friend's face. The soldiers turned their attention to Nadia. Matthew pulled and urged her on but she tried to get out of his grasp and go the other way. Her mother was crying and her father was yelling and the frozen time was shattered by the sound of loud gunfire...
*sits there staring at the screen for a while thinking whats gonna happen next* ahhhh so good!!!!!!! i cant wait for more!!!!! i have no idea whats gonna happen...its so intense...i need to buy this book...people would pay much for ur books...i know i would!!! ahhh so good so good!!!
willsgirl....let me put this as kindly as I CAN!...I dont care about you personel life!! I just want more of the story!!!!!! no j/k but please more???
post more!!
this is so good!!!
i read your What She Witnessed, it is awesome as well, definatly the best i have read on here thus far. (no offence to those who have posted stories on here.)
*is going mad and family is disscussing putting her in insane assylum*ahh mooooooooooooooooooooooooreeeeeee! Anyway I told my friend on here to go and read your story!What she Witnessed....ahhh *goes back to the stroy* NOW WHEN DO WE GET MORE???
I'm so sorry, but I haven't had more than five minutes on at a time! I PROMISE to get some up this weekend, maybe before but I can't promise that because today is my birthday and I have plans for the rest of the week! SORRY!!! THANKS FOR BEING SO SWEET!