Lost Boy's Nadia

WillsGirl said:
hmm... I'm going to go think about this alone in my room with my Narnia soundtrack and a pen and paper...
I do some of my best thinking in my room, with my Narnia soundtrack of course. :D
But if you need someone to play Danni, I'd LOVE to! To bad I live in the next state. ... humm... Do you live any where near Big Sandy,TX? I going there in May for a homeschooling conference. :D
i live in broken arrow but my dad and stepmom go to dallas A LOT. i mean like every other week...when they arent traveling.....how are u going to find just the right characters? i think it would be hard when u have the images in your mind of wat u want them to be....for me it would be so tough because im a sort of perfectionist so i would have to have them look exactly like they look in my head.....ya kno? i think i have said this b4...hmm......lol....well, good luck!!
LOL, no I understand. Being the writer and director I tend to want things perfect and Danni isn't too much of a problem but casting the PERFECT guy is a challenge.
I'll just see what I can do... hey I am sorry I haven't been able to keep up with this story, it has been really difficult for me lately so if you want to I'm working on a comedy with a friend now but it's easier and I'm writing it WITH someone so if you want to read that while construction goes on over here with the Lost Boys it's called:
When Worlds Colide (COMEDY)
LOL, wow thanks! Everyone says it's really pretty and I'll be spending a few more days than two weeks there by myself with one of my best friends. (Wich sounds like a contradictions... but... oh well.) Anyway I'll be rooming with a friend of NINE years and taking private voice lessons, music theory, choir, Studio tachnology, and... something else I can't remember... PLUS on the weekends they take you to places like 6 flags, the Atlanta mall and things of the sort.
I'm so happy I was accepted and I can't waut, but pray for me, I have like 1600 dollars to earn!!!
[/QUOTE]near Big Sandy,TX?
I grew up, well when I say grew up I mean from about 3 yrs, until summer before my 4th grade yr., in a town close to Big Sandy called Gilmer. It is about 30 min. away, I think. They have the BEST mexican restaurant in the world!! It is called La'Finca. I think that is how you spell it but it is how it sounds. Anyways, have fun! I love East Texas.
wow! have fun! im glad u got accepted! have tons of fun in the sun! hehe i've wanted to say that... :D good luck! i kno u'll blow em away!!! ( with ur singing i mean :p )
WillsGirl said:
But yeah, Nadia is a GREAT name, you know this already I'm sure but it means hope.

Wow, thanks for the compliment! My real name is Nadia. I like it too. ;) I didn't know it meant hope for a while, but since I found out I also like to call myself the elvish word for hope:Estel. I like the story as well. It's a cool idea. I can come up with ideas for some of my stories that I think would be cool, but I sometimes get stuck revising them and revising them before I ever put them on paper, until I don't like them all that much. I like your story idea, I hope Nadia is the heroine! ;) Oh, and I'm sure you will knock 'em dead at the camp in Georgia. Have fun, I love to sing too, and that would be a cool experience I'm sure!