Love Me Forever

Bennet raised his eyebrows. "Not bad." He bent over the table and it the ball so it bounced off three of his and knocked them into three different holes. "Now the real fun begins."
"Just play. The sooner you go the sooner I can win." He chuckled.

ooc: You know, I'm not sure we're playing pool right. LOL

OOC: I think we are. I've played pool quite a few times in my life. Although I think we have done 1 too many balls. LOL

IC: She now banked the ball and hit six more balls in.
ooc: I think you're right.

After Steph's last hit there was only one ball left...the eight ball. But it was in a bad spot. Bennet circled the table several times, trying to get at a good angle. "Hmmmmmmm."
OOC: I once got a black eye from playing pool. I made a little note to myself not to stand to close to the person making the shot.

IC: "Good luck." she said with a grin.
ooc: Ouch. Playing pool somewhat scares me for that exact reason.

Bennet took a deep breath, glancing at Steph. "Thanks." He aimed at the que(sp) ball, in an awkward angle, and hit it. It hit the eight ball and it rolled into the coner pocket. Bennet smiled. "You're a worthy apponent, I must admit."
ooc: Ouch. Playing pool somewhat scares me for that exact reason.

Bennet took a deep breath, glancing at Steph. "Thanks." He aimed at the que(sp) ball, in an awkward angle, and hit it. It hit the eight ball and it rolled into the coner pocket. Bennet smiled. "You're a worthy apponent, I must admit."


IC: "As were you. Great game!" Steph said shaking his hand.