Love Me Forever

ooc:Aww bye! Have a nice evening.

ic: She laughed "Oh I wont get scared" but even as the movie started she knew she would be screaming the whole way through.
Jasper lifted his head as Steph left with Max.
"See you in a bit" Pepper said as Steph left. She looked at Bennet and shrugged wandering why Steph hadnt wanted to watch the movie.
Bennet crossed his legs, and sat back watching the movie. It was about a serial killer on a rampage. He didn't get the point of the movie, but it caught his attention.
Pepper held the cushion to her chest just incase she might need it and she found out a few secons later that she had made a wise choice for the serial killer was now attacking a woman with a sledge hammer. Pepper pulled the cushion up to her face and tried not to scream at the horrific image on the screen.
Bennet looked over at Pepper, with the cusion to her face. "Are you sure you're okay with this movie? I can turn it off if you want." He glanced at the screan and made a disguisted face, because the man had managed to knock out the woman's brains.

ic: Pepper nodded but still had the cushion to her face "it was my choice right?......." she said lowering the cushion only to put it back up. "Maybe I'll just watch the cushion for a while but you keep watching the movie" she said.
ooc: LOL Sorry, too much? :p

Bennet shook his head and stopped the movie. "Come one, you're not enjoying it. We can put on another movie or just chill or something. I don't want you to sit there miserable."

ic: "I really don't mind but seeing as you've already stopped it.." she began "You decide. I'm not really fussed" she added.