Love Me Forever

Steph giggled. "Thanks." she muttered.

"What is so funny?" Bryan asked hearing her giggle.

"Nothing." Steph answered.

"Would...would you two like to take a walk with me?" Bryan asked.
Bennet chuckled. "Looks like you two have something in common." He gave Steph a sideways glance, urging her to say more. "What kind of dog is he?" He asked Bryan.
Bennet chuckled. "Looks like you two have something in common." He gave Steph a sideways glance, urging her to say more. "What kind of dog is he?" He asked Bryan.

"A collie." Bryan answered.

"Do you like to play games Bryan?" Steph asked noticing Bennet's urging look.

"Love them." Bryan replied.

"How bout we go to the arcade. On me." Steph suggested.
"Aren't we a little old to be racing to arcades?" Bennet said, casually. Then he looked at the others, smiled mischeviously, and ran off down the road.
Bennet got to the arcade and threw his hands in the air, waiting for the others to catch up. "Dear, dear Stephanie, when will you learn that you can't beat me?" He laughed, and nudged her playfully.
"You only think that. Remember the three legged race two years ago?" she asked pushing him playfully back.

Bryan smiled. "If I wasn't caught off guard I could've had it." he joked.

Steph now stood next to Bryan. "Sure you could've." she joked.
Bennet fake-shivered at the thought of the race. "That wasn't a was an abomination." He looked at Bryan. "Whatever you need to say to yourself to sleep at night." He laughed.
"Very funny." Bryan said.

"Bryan, do you like Dance Dance Revolution?" Steph asked.

"Yea. Why?" he asked.

"I say why don't we settle this by a contest. Whoever wins plays the next person." Steph said.

"Sounds like fun. Bennet?" Bryan said.