Mac vs PC


New member
Which one?

For me, definitely Mac. PCs are for amateurs :D

And I think this pic says it all.. (on the left Mr. PC, on the right Mr. Mac)
I'm a Mac person. I used to have pc for years and I still have a windows laptop but since I got this Macbook I don't want anything else.

The +:
It's faster
You don't need an anti-virus program (which doesn't mean your Mac can't be attacked someday)
Everything is so easy to install and to reinstall
With Bootcamp you can have both windows as OSX on your laptop!
The widgets!!!
The dock..I love Dock!

The - :
Too many software is still windows orientated
Some applications won't work well on mac like windows messenger. Some functions are limited

For me it will always be the MAC!!
I'm a Mac person. I used to have pc for years and I still have a windows laptop but since I got this Macbook I don't want anything else.
I used to have a PC too but when I discovered Mac it was adios for PC. And now we have like four Macs in our household.

Some applications won't work well on mac like windows messenger.
Have you tried Adium? It's works the same as windows messenger.
Mac mac and once again Mac!!! I'm a Mac person, but alas I do not have the funds to purchase one. :( So I'm still stuck with a Compaq laptop, I'm not complaining though since I got it for free. :p But one day, I will obtain a macbook. :D
I have two PC's and one Mac. The problem with Mac is limitless when it comes to gaming. But Mac is good for text-editing, graphics, websites and so on. Mac is also good when it comes to virus controll because the guys who makes virus, spam and spyware aims their garbage for PC's, not Mac.

I still prefer Windows though. Afterall, it revolutionized the age of computers.
I have two PC's and one Mac. The problem with Mac is limitless when it comes to gaming. But Mac is good for text-editing, graphics, websites and so on. Mac is also good when it comes to virus controll because the guys who makes virus, spam and spyware aims their garbage for PC's, not Mac.

I still prefer Windows though. Afterall, it revolutionized the age of computers.

Revolutionized the age of personal computers. Apple has always had the better technology. It's just Microsoft is better at marketing their product to normal people.
Have you tried Adium? It's works the same as windows messenger.
I have i-chat on my laptop but maybe I should give adium a try!

I agree with Doffen when it comes to gaming. Windows is better for gaming but I never play pc games so for me this doesn't count :p

Josh...the Macbooks will get cheaper. It's not going fast but they will. Since I got this Mac it has given me nothing but joy. I so love the Mac! I'm a Mac person all the way :D
Crimson-- A Mac is made by Apple, and is better. A PC is made by whoever and runs microsoft software (Windows XP, Vista, etc.) and is total junk. (;))

Actually, I used to be a complete Mac devotee, but I'm running Ubuntu Linux now and I LOVE it. :D

I prefer a PC. I've used a Pc all my life, and it is especially good for gaming. However, I've never really used a Mac, and the new PC's seem to be less reliable than the older ones. The only Pc's I've owned are a Windows 95 and one of the original XP's, and those are both very reliable, family computers.
Revolutionized the age of personal computers. Apple has always had the better technology. It's just Microsoft is better at marketing their product to normal people.

Well no, I don't agree with that. Before Microsoft, Apple had no real solutions for text-editing or something the like. Journalists or secretaries used machines to write scripts in for every single letter. When Microsoft released their first products, it revolutionized /everything/ within the market. The problem Mac had before was that it was too hard to use. Microsoft got in the SAME technology (and some more) and it was still very easy to use. Mac has copied LOTS of stuff from PC's over the years. Though so has PC's copied from Mac. New Mac software even has the standard core-scripts that are used and created by Microsoft.

What kind of technology are you talking about?

Again, I have both Mac and PC (Windows and Linux on the PC one). They both have their uses.

I have a pc as our home computer, and it's perfectly fine
and then i use a mac at school ( my laptop is mac) and i love the fact that you can make videos and take photos
But I like the Pc too, maybe because I'm used to it.

frankly to me a comp is a comp - if some new company comes up with something that has both great PC attributes and Mac attributes i would be very happy.
I started out as a Mac person, the day my dad brought home a 512k "fat mac". The last mac I bought for myself was a 233 MHz Beige G3. The last mac I bought (for my mom) was a ruby summer 2000 400 MHz iMac.

Shortly after buying the Beige G3 - I discovered the wonderful world of Linux. I bought a SCSI hard drive just so I could install MKLinux DR3 (A port of Red Hat Linux to the Mach Microkernel, the port was funded by Apple Computer).

Soon after that I took a few courses on Linux system administration and got a job as a Linux programmer, where I ran Linux on the x86 platform.

Currently I run Linux on an IBM Thinkpad T20, a home built x86 (built from spare parts and junked computers) and a home built x86_64 (built from new parts).

I will probably never buy another Mac, I do not like Apple's current company philosophy, they severely over charge for their hardware. I can build far more capable PCs than an iMac for about the price of an iMac, and while their pro towers are a decent deal for the hardware, they aren't what I need and I would rather spend that money by putting the money into parts that benefit me. I also disagree with their continual refusal to make the batteries of iPods and iPhones user replaceable.

Linux reduces techno-waste since you can find currently supported distributions that continue to run decently on old hardware.

Take my IBM Thinkpad for example. It is a Thinkpad T20 - 700MHz with 384MB of RAM.

It can not run Vista. I have run XP SP1 on it but it was painful. However, it runs CentOS 5.2 no problem. CentOS 5.2 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux clone) is the same distribution I run my other two computers and on my remote server.

Try running current MacOS or Windows on a computer built in 2000. When you can, it is extremely painful. As such, the constant updates to those major operating systems results in an increase in tech waste that is causing some serious environmental problems, as proper recycling of tech waste just isn't economical (most places that claim to recycle sell to a third party which takes the money and illegally dumps the tech in third world countries).

I guess I'm a PC guy because I technically use PC hardware, but other than laptops, I build the computers myself to my specifications. I do not, however, use Windows or Mac OS. I have not found anything I can not do in Linux other than play specific games, but I have a PS2 for that :D

I suppose if I needed advanced photo editing capabilities, I might need photoshop - which would require Windows or Mac OS - but for my photo editing needs, The GIMP does just fine.
Tell me a bit more about Linux! Can you use many features you can use for windows or mac?

I use photoshop all the time and it opens so much faster in Mac. Especially the latest release CS4 (yeah...photoshop doesn't stop making more and more money :rolleyes: )

I'm satisfied with my Mac but they should make them more cheaper because sompared to many new laptops they are way too expensive!
Well no, I don't agree with that. Before Microsoft, Apple had no real solutions for text-editing or something the like. Journalists or secretaries used machines to write scripts in for every single letter. When Microsoft released their first products, it revolutionized /everything/ within the market. The problem Mac had before was that it was too hard to use. Microsoft got in the SAME technology (and some more) and it was still very easy to use.

What are you talking about?
It was Apple that revolutionized the desktop publishing market.
Microsoft took the lead because Apple refused to release their operating system for common (read affordable) PC hardware. They actually ported System 7 to the x86 processor but refused to release it.

Back then a computer was really expensive, really expensive. People were willing to use DOS and eventually Windows 3.1 because it ran on hardware they could afford.

Journalists used Macs back then because Apple had superior desktop publishing capabilities.

Apple additionally went through several CEOs who were just plain bad for the company.
Linux is great! I'm using a distribution called CentOS, which is essentially a clone of Red Hat Linux. But that's only because I'm a computer professional and I need it to do my work. For ordinary users I highly recommend Ubuntu, which is optimized for easy installation and use. They even have a desktop theme that looks just like the Mac! It's all graphical interface, and very simple. It installs on about anything, and works on older machines as well.
A couple of my friends are so excited about Linux. They say it's the best ever. But I haven't seen it here in the stores so I'm curious. I have no doubts it can do everything a normal pc can do but what makes it so more special?